9 : thin active physical layer which is (1) an active potential well layer thin enough to establish discrete quantum energy levels or (2) an active barrier layer thin enough to permit quantum mechanical tunneling or (3) an active layer thin enough to permit carrier transmission with substantially no scattering (e.g., superlattice quantum well, or ballistic transport device) The first transistor design (what's called a bipolar junction transistor, or BJT), instead of having two "terminals" as with power supplies or resistors, has three. 257, Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State Diodes), for active solid-state electronic device structure, per se. Privacy Policy As discrete components, they have found use in power devices, optical sensors, and light emitters, including solid-state lasers. In parametric amplifier, every diode with junction capacitance depending on bias voltage is an active device, converting power on pumping frequency to the power of the signal. & Terms of Use. generation, Cover, in particular for inscription fields, LED ARRAY, LED HEAD AND IMAGE RECORDING APPARATUS, VERTICAL DIODE USING SILICON FORMED BY SELECTIVE EPITAXIAL GROWTH, Electro-optic interconnection apparatus and method, Recording level gauge type organic light emitting diode, Interconnect layer of a modularly designed analog integrated circuit, Carbon Nanotube Based Semiconducting Devices and Methods for Their Production, Silicon nitride antifuse for use in diode-antifuse memory arrays, Growth method of nitride semiconductor layer and light emitting device using the growth method, NEGATIVE PHOTORESIST FOR SILICON KOH ETCH WITHOUT SILICON NITRIDE. Don't have an AAC account? The plurality of active regions AC may be separately disposed, and each of the plurality of active regions AC may have a relatively long island shape having a major axis and a … An active device substrate includes a substrate, a first active device, and a second active device. Techniques for making apparatus. Create one now. The present invention relates to the field of active semiconductor devices, and processes for making such devices. In order for a circuit to be properly called electronic, it must contain at least one active device. The device exhibited ultrathin layout (7 μm) with improved geometrical designs, utilizing serpentine-shaped nanomembranes of silicon and gallium arsenide as active elements. In formula (2), Ids is the drain-source (or source-drain) current in the linear regime (IVdI