door noun: Tor, Pforte, Flügel, Einstieg: ... schließen Sie die Tür: close the door: an die Tür klopfen: knocking on the door: schließe die Tür: close the door: schließ die Tür: close the door: von Tür zu Tür: Examples translated by humans: lås døren, lås døren, lås døren!, lås døren op, lås døren op. Es ging auch nicht um die Katze, aber Sie sollten mir die Tür aufmachen . Die Tür öffnete sich, und Kitty erschien. German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. The door is closed. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. Italian. It has been long out of print. A lot of English and German words are similar. It's enough to drive an English speaker crazy. und die andere Maria, die setzten sich gegen das Grab. VERB : an die Tür schlagen | schlug an die Tür / an die Tür schlug | an die Tür geschlagen: an die Tür schlagen by the standards of Für einen Ausländer sprichst du sehr gut Deutsch. Walter closes the door. Through this door, he … Wenn wir die Tür aufmachen, machen sie dasselbe mit uns. Usually I'm pretty good at looking at German with English speaker glasses. Swans' Die Tür Ist Zu (German for The Door Is Closed) was initially released in 1996 as a prelude to the (then) final Swans album Soundtracks for the Blind. The English for schließen Sie die Tür is lock the door. more_vert open_in_new Link to source Ich mache die Tür zu. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. die Tür öffnen to attend to the door die Tür öffnen to show so. die Tür weisen to knock at the door an die Tür klopfen to knock on (or: at) so. In German, "die Tür" means: (f, noun) the door Listen to "die Tür": (If you have an HTML5 enabled browser, you can listen to the native audio below) This is a phrase that is used in the GamesForLanguage German Language Game in the following scenes: German 1, Level 4, Scene 2; German 1, Level 4, Scene 3 The grammatical gender in German doesn’t follow a logical set of rules but there are some noun endings (suffixes) which give us a hint. Macht hoch die Tür. " Don't just learn tür … To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. German FG: Leute von der Straße haben an die Tür geklopft und nachgesehen, ob es mir gut ging. Die Tür means door, In book I study it says door is Abstrakta. Überall sieht man nur noch zue Türen. By the way, have a look at the English endings too. You can complete the translation of die Tür given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... German-English dictionary : translate German words into English with online dictionaries. Swans' Die Tür Ist Zu (German for The Door Is Closed) was initially released in 1996 as a prelude to the (then) final Swans album Soundtracks for the Blind. Find more German words at! Due to a fire, which took the life of the previous tenant, an emergency exit has been built into the apartment. Adjektive, to describe, that something is closed. The incipit is the first line, "Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit (Fling wide the door, unbar the gate). English Translation of “tuer” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Translations in context of "die Tür" in German-English from Reverso Context: sie die Tür, mach die Tür, die Tür offen, die Tür öffnen, die verdammte Tür Plötzlich klopfte es an der (also: die) Tür. 's door an jmds. Although Die Tür is German for the door it also sounds like the English word detour, which means a route around a restricted area.The easy way isn’t necessarily the best way. die Tür weisen to knock at the door an die Tür klopfen to answer the door an die Tür gehen to attend to the bell an die Tür gehen - weil es geklingelt hat to slam the door die Tür zuwerfen to stretch one's legs sich dat. Many translated example sentences containing "die Tür steht immer offen" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. Contextual translation of "die tür" from German into Danish. See more translations and examples in context for "die Tür" or search for more phrases including "die Tür": Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All German-English translations from our dictionary, Locate the Property Data Location grip for. Die Tür zum europäischen und weltweiten Markt für die Automobil- , Textil- , Tourismus- und Consultingwirtschaft hat sich geöffnet .. German-English Dictionary: Translation for Mach die Tür zu door noun: Tor, Pforte, Flügel, Einstieg: ... schließen Sie die Tür: close the door: an die Tür klopfen: knocking on the door: schließe die Tür: close the door: schließ die Tür: close the door: von Tür zu Tür: Ligeti's Breath / Hilflos Kind 2. From Middle High German, from Old High German turi, from Proto-Germanic *durz, from Proto-Indo-European *dʰwer- (“doorway, door, gate”). Die Tür ( 2009) Die Tür. Dies und die Präsenz auf internationalen Messen hat den Unternehmen internationale Geschäftskontakte beschert. The word for "sun" is masculine in Spanish (el sol) but feminine in German (die sonne). the door jmdm. Überall sieht man nur noch zue Türen. Usually I'm pretty good at looking at German with English speaker glasses. Surrogate Drones 4. door. ... "Bitte lass die Tür(e) geschlossen" or "Bitte lassen Sie die Tür… Ich mache die Tür auf. The Door (German: Die Tür) is a 2009 German science fiction thriller film directed by Anno Saul and starring Mads Mikkelsen and Jessica Schwarz. Ich mache die Tür auf. Directed by Alfred Vohrer. Adjektive, to describe, that something is closed. One morning, a mother with four … Die Tür ist verschlossen. The noun is part of the thesaurus of Zertifikat Deutsch respectivly Level A1. The grammatical gender in German doesn’t follow a logical set of rules but there are some noun endings (suffixes) which give us a hint. What does Tür mean in German? Die Tür Ist Zu by SWANS, released 18 May 2018 1. Add a translation. Last Update: 2014-07-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: DieRitterin. Here you can not only inflect Tür but also all German nouns . door; doorway (passage that can be blocked with such a plane) … die Füße vertreten to get footsore (Bad style, but colloquial speech in some regions) You only see closed doors everywhere. As you can see, the first pair (anmachen ≠ ausmachen) is used for turning or switching off something, a machine or a device, something that runs on electricity. ... German is my first language and I have a degree in English literature. 2. Tür translate: door, gate, door. VERB : an die Tür klopfen | klopfte an die Tür / an die Tür klopfte | an die Tür geklopft: an die Tür klopfen to rap at the door 2. Macht hoch die Tür Alt ernative. German 1, Level 5, Scene 2. Unfortunately the termites in the old door multiplied. The simple past in German is mostly used in written works, such as in stories: Es war einmal ein Ehepaar… (There once was a married couple.) from rita gloria curvo. Translation of 'Macht hoch die Tür' by Christmas Carols from German to English (Version #2) Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 German Man würde sagen: Ihr alten Herren, öffnet die Tür, und schon stellen sich Erfolge ein. und die andere Maria, die setzten sich gegen das Grab. You Know Everything (Reprise 1991) 6. A successful artist loses control of his life after his young daughter's death. It has been long out of print. It's 100% free, no registration required. They are used to describe the action of … A German moon is masculine (der mond), while a Spanish moon is feminine (la luna). It was only available in Germany and was only released on CD. It shares some material w the much longer Soundtracks, but on this record I sing in German. German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. At Die Tür Arts the cultivation of creativity and the protection of independent thought are always paramount objectives. ... German with english subtitles. Die Tür zum europäischen und weltweiten Markt für die Automobil- , Textil- , Tourismus- und Consultingwirtschaft hat sich geöffnet .. Weihnachten steht vor der Tür … German-English Dictionary: an die Tür klopfen » Tabular list of translations | always » List of translations starting with the same letters » an | die | Tür | klopfen. (I close the door.) Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. ... "Bitte lass die Tür(e) geschlossen" or "Bitte lassen Sie die Tür(e) geschlossen". Walter macht die Tür zu. German-English Dictionary: an die Tür schlagen » Tabular list of translations | always » List of translations starting with the same letters » an | die | Tür | schlagen. 62Des andern Tages, der da folgt nach dem Rüsttage, kamen die Hohenpriester und Pharisäer sämtlich zu Pilatus 63und sprachen: Herr, wir haben gedacht, daß dieser Verführer sprach, da er noch lebte: Ich will nach drei Tagen auferstehen. Unfortunately the termites in the old door multiplied. Add a translation. What does Tür mean in German? Die Tür ist zu (German for The Door Is Closed) is the fifth EP by the American rock band Swans, initially released in 1996 only in Germany as a CD, and later released worldwide on vinyl on Record Store Day 2018. Keep in mind that the symbol ß (as in heiß ) stands for a double "s, " and remember correct German word order , which is different from that in English. However, be careful, it does not always work! – IQV Jun 13 '17 at 8:24. A woman arrives at a lonely mansion and finds herself mixed up with a lunatic who has built his own torture chamber, which is already crowded with victims - and he plans to make her his next one. Macht hoch die Tür Christmas Carol (German) 1. Walter macht die Tür zu. the door jmdm. (I close the door.) Die Tür zum europäischen und weltweiten Markt für die Automobil-, Textil-, Tourismus- und Consultingwirtschaft hat sich geöffnet.. The voice of Tür is feminine and the article "die". Synopsis: A man moves into a newly renovated apartment. Tür translations: door, gate, door. die Tür aufmachen to answer the bell die Tür öffnen to attend to the door die Tür öffnen to show so. Compare English door. All rights reserved. They usually all mean the but differ depending on the noun’s gender (as the German language assigns a gender to all nouns), as well as their case (their role in the sentence in relation to the subject). The voice of Tür is feminine and the article "die". Translation of 'Macht hoch die Tür' by Christmas Carols from German to English (Version #2) Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 More meanings for Tür. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. It is particularly notable for its unusual combination of both studio and live recordings in a wide variety of contexts. But to be honest, I'm drawing a total blank on this one. A chance for a new start appears, but all is not what it seems. With Heinz Drache, Sabine Sesselmann, Eddi Arent, Pinkas Braun. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Die Tür ist offen [German] by Ortberg, John. They are used to describe the action of … Eines Morgens kam eine Entenmutter mit vier Entenküken durch einen Spalt in der Tür herein. the door jmdm. German. More meanings for Tür. Always try to remember also the main articles der, die and das. German. Last Update: 2014-02-01 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: MatteoT. Soundsection Swans' Die Tür Ist Zu (German for The Door Is Closed) was initially released in 1996 as a prelude to the (then) final Swans album Soundtracks for the Blind. an die Tür gehen to answer the door, to go to the door. A good general rule for learning German vocabulary is to treat the article of a noun as an integral part of the word. Der Junge schleichte sich langsam zur Tür hin und wartete einen Moment. 's door an jmds. Here you can not only inflect Tür but also all German nouns . Ich mache die Tür zu. In German, "die Tür" means: (f, noun) the door. (I open the door.) Ich Sehe Die Alle In Einer Reihe 3. Find more German words at! Don't just learn garten (garden), learn der garten. Although Die Tür is German for the door it also sounds like the English word detour, which means a route around a restricted area.The easy way isn’t necessarily the best way. die Tür weisen to knock at the door an die Tür klopfen to knock on (or: at) so. La porta si aprì e apparve Kitty. German Wenn wir dies nicht machen, dann werden wir Rechtsunsicherheit schaffen und wir werden sogar die Tür öffnen für teilweise uneffiziente und teilweise sogar betrugsähnliche Subventionen. But to be honest, I'm drawing a total blank on this one. at the best online prices at ebay! door. the door jmdm. Always try to remember also the main articles der, die and das. English Translation. (Bad style, but colloquial speech in some regions) You only see closed doors everywhere. Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit, Es kommt der Herr der Herrlichkeit, Ein König aller Königreich', Ein Heiland aller Welt zugleich, Der Heil und Leben mit sich bringt, Derhalben jauchzt, mit Freuden singt: Gelobet sei mein Gott, Mein Schöpfer, reich von Rat! Walter closes the door. It was only available in Germany and was only released on CD. die Tür öffnen to attend to the door die Tür öffnen to show so. Die Tür ist zu. German: English: Sample sentences: Leider vermehrten sich die Termiten in der alten Tür. As you can see, the first pair (anmachen ≠ ausmachen) is used for turning or switching off something, a machine or a device, something that runs on electricity. With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for die Tür and thousands of other words. die Tür aufmachen to answer the bell die Tür öffnen to attend to the door die Tür öffnen to show so. DIE TÜR - English. For a foreigner, you speak German very well. Die Tür ist zu. Directed by Alfred Vohrer. This page was last edited on 24 October 2020, at 03:31. At Die Tür Arts the cultivation of creativity and the protection of independent thought are always paramount objectives. English. One morning, a mother with four … M/F 7. Plot. Dies und die Präsenz auf internationalen Messen hat den Unternehmen internationale Geschäftskontakte beschert. With Heinz Drache, Sabine Sesselmann, Eddi Arent, Pinkas Braun. Get a … Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit, Es kommt der Herr der Herrlichkeit, Ein König aller Königreich', Ein Heiland aller Welt zugleich, Der Heil und Leben mit sich bringt, Derhalben jauchzt, mit Freuden singt: Gelobet sei mein Gott, Mein Schöpfer, reich von Rat! A lot of English and German words are similar. Eines Morgens kam eine Entenmutter mit vier Entenküken durch einen Spalt in der Tür herein. "Macht hoch die Tür" (Fling wide the door) is a German popular Advent hymn, written in Ducal Prussia in the 17th century. Macht hoch die Tür " (Make high the doors) is a German popular Advent hymn, written in Ducal Prussia in the 17th century. The noun is part of the thesaurus of Zertifikat Deutsch respectivly Level A1. Macht hoch die Tür Christmas Carol (German) 1. The incipit is the first line, " Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit (Make high the doors, the gates make wide). Title Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit Name Translations Gör porten hög, gör dörren bred; Gjør døren høy; Erguei os arcos triunfais; ¡Alzaos, puerta! The door is closed. 62Des andern Tages, der da folgt nach dem Rüsttage, kamen die Hohenpriester und Pharisäer sämtlich zu Pilatus 63und sprachen: Herr, wir haben gedacht, daß dieser Verführer sprach, da er noch lebte: Ich will nach drei Tagen auferstehen. German Wenn wir dies nicht machen, dann werden wir Rechtsunsicherheit schaffen und wir werden sogar die Tür öffnen für teilweise uneffiziente und teilweise sogar betrugsähnliche Subventionen. A woman arrives at a lonely mansion and finds herself mixed up with a lunatic who has built his own torture chamber, which is already crowded with victims - and he plans to make her his next one. 1h 43min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 26 November 2009 (Germany) 2:04 | Trailer. Die Tür means door, In book I study it says door is Abstrakta. What does "die Tür" mean in German? German 1, Level 4, Scene 3. Listen to "die Tür":(If you have an HTML5 enabled browser, you can listen to the native audio below) This is a phrase that is used in the GamesForLanguage German Language Game in the following scenes: German 1, Level 4, Scene 2. By the way, have a look at the English endings too. The door is locked. Translations in context of "mach die Tür" in German-English from Reverso Context: Komm, mach die Tür auf. Dann riss er die Tür plötztlich auf und fing an laut zu schreien... (The boy quietly crept to the door and waited for a moment. A third time, cover the German and read the English version; then task yourself, as in a dictation, with writing the sentence in German. YRP 5. However, be careful, it does not always work! ― Suddenly someone knocked at the door. The English for schließen Sie die Tür is lock the door. about. Cast. on behalf of Mein Anwalt wird das für mich beantworten. ... German is my first language and I have a degree in English literature. 1 VIDEO | 9 IMAGES. An artist who, after losing his daughter, discovers a mysterious doorway leading to the past. Tür f (genitive Tür, plural Türen, diminutive Türchen n or Türlein n), Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, passage that can be blocked with such a plane,ür&oldid=60925732, German terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *dʰwer-, German terms inherited from Middle High German, German terms derived from Middle High German, German terms inherited from Old High German, German terms derived from Old High German, German terms derived from Proto-Indo-European, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. English Translation. German: English: Sample sentences: Leider vermehrten sich die Termiten in der alten Tür. (I open the door.) Dies und die Präsenz auf internationalen Messen hat den Unternehmen internationale Geschäftskontakte beschert. Many translated example sentences containing "bis hinter die erste verschlossene Tür" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. If we open that door , we will do the same. Collaborative Dictionary German-English, the door doesn't {or} won't close {or} shut, 'die Tür' also found in translations in English-German dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), jdm die Tür vor der Nase zumachen/zuschlagen, everyone should set his own house in order, die Leute haben ihm fast die Tür eingerannt, die Tür für etw offen halten or nicht zuschlagen, Translation German - English Collins Dictionary. A noun as an integral part of the word for `` sun '' is masculine ( der mond,. Search engine for English translations an emergency exit has been built into the apartment ). On 24 October 2020, at 03:31, while a Spanish moon is masculine in Spanish ( el sol but... Was only available in Germany and was only available in Germany and was only available in Germany and was released! To remember also the main articles der, die setzten sich gegen das Grab Junge schleichte sich zur. 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