The Destruction of Army Group Center, 1944. ( Log Out / The military prospects of France were not good. It started as a conflict between Protestant and Catholic states following the fragmenting of the Holy Roman Empire, but it turned into a more general conflict involving most of the great powers of Europe, becoming a war for European political pre-eminence.. Though it got off to a poor start, the French army would eventually drive Spanish and Austrian armies back across German states. The United Provinces also added to the misery of the Holy Roman Empire. Its distal causes reside in the previous century, at the political-religious settlement of the Holy Roman Empire known as the Peace of Augsburg. Sweden did not recover from this debacle for several years. They believed that if the Dutch were seen by the Holy Roman Empire to be getting involved militarily in the conflict, it could lead to an invasion of the United Provinces by a Imperial army and that could spell disaster for the Dutch economy. Led by a prince of the church, Cardinal Richelieu, France finally intervened in the German war only when the gains it had earlier made by stealth in the Rhineland were assaulted and eroded by Spain. 21 Feb 2021. Tags: Question 8 . Choose from 500 different sets of 30 years war flashcards on Quizlet. Up to the Peace of Prague, France had played a minimal part in the Thirty Years War. Two naval battles supported their view that the Habsburg’s could not succeed at sea. In January 1643, his most competent minister, Olivares, was dismissed. Q. The Thirty years war was made up of many different wars, to understand it better I will be grouping them into 4 phases. And so, for 13 years more the armies battled. What participation France had committed herself to involved just diplomatic and political measures. The death of the Cardinal-Infante in November 1641 encouraged the Dutch to press ahead. Bernard of Weimar pushed back Gallas and the attack by Phillip IV failed to materialise. Tilly won a decisive victory over the forces of Fredreick V at the Battle of White Mountain, near Prague. In May 1635, France declared war on Spain. Gallas had to leave the French campaign and confront the Swedes. The Protestants were mostly Czechs which makes sense since most of them were in Prague. Play this game to review World History. France was not in such a favourable position and Richelieu had to raise loans, sell government offices to the highest bidder (though not necessarily the most talented) and to place government tax inspectors (Intendants) on permanent location in the provinces to ensure that taxes that were due for Paris actually got there. In October 1636, the Holy Roman Empire’s army had been defeated by the Swedes at Wittstock in Brandenburg. It is widely recognised as a period of great change, either as a gradual transition or as a sharper turning point, but always associated with … In the last phase of the Thirty Years’ War, the most dominant player on the Protestant side was Catholic France. Regardless of the defeat at Torgau, Sweden marched into Bohemia and reached the suburbs of Prague. For four years France pursued these grand strategic goals with an inadequate military system, with poor armies badly led by inept generals. In addition, the anti-Habsburg coalition did not agree on what sort of peace it should force on the Habsburg powers, with Sweden concentrating on the German war and desperate for territorial and financial compensation for its ruinous military effort and France more concerned with defeating Spain. And most raids achieved little because of an abiding inability to supply mid-17th century armies on the move and the inherent superiority of fortified defenses. The assault on Trier was designed to trigger war between France and the Holy Roman Empire. France must now intervene herself in Flanders, Germany, Italy, and at sea. Spanish troops attacked the French in Trier in March 1635 (taking the archbishop prisoner), in an effort to establish an alternative route to the Spanish Road, which had been cut by France. Gustavus’ councillor Oxenstierna replaced him in the field in Germany but lost badly at First Nördlingen (September 5–6, 1634). In 1636, came the expected attack on France by the major catholic powers of Europe. By 1640, France had two very capable military commanders : Turenne and Louis II, Prince of Conde. No-one throughout Europe was particularly surprised by this as in October 1634, the Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain and the Roman Catholic princes of Germany had agreed to a joint attack on France. 30 Years War Began: Definition. The Battle of Torgau forced the Swedes back to Pomerania and the Swedes could only stay in the field thanks to the financial aid given to them by the French in the Treaty of Hamburg of 1638. The French Huguenot general, Rohan, was sent to help the Swiss Protestants in a campaign to overthrow the Valtelline. In April 1635, Sweden and France signed the Treaty of Compiegne. Thanks to Xios, Alan Haskayne, Lachlan Lindenmayer, William Crabb, Derpvic, Seth Reeves and all my other Patrons. Only in the relatively minor Mantuan episode did France have any military involvement but this was short-lived and did not involve the major European powers. Most of the fighting took place in the Holy Roman Empire, although the war grew to include European powers outside of the Empire.What began as a local, religious conflict became more and more continental and political with each expanding phase of the war. 11. The conflict left some areas of Germany and Bohemia denuded of half their population, while other provinces paid huge ransoms to approaching armies—of whichever side—to deflect the war elsewhere, escape with their lives, and keep town, livestock, and farms intact. The Cardinal failed to maintain his push and he too was pushed back from Paris. History Learning Site Copyright © 2000 - 2021. Emperor Ferdinand II won the support of Maximilian I of Bavaria. He was later taken hostage by his own men, who demanded all pay in arrears. As the war drew to a drawn-out and exhausted close, the armies engaged shrank in size. Sweden wanted to gain more territory to pay for her expenses up to the Peace and she decided to carry on fighting. France failed to capitalise on these problems as in December 1642, Richelieu had died, closely followed by Louis XIII in May 1643. This gave Sweden the opportunity to occupy most of northern Germany. To sustain the above, Richelieu needed favourable finances. The Thirty Years War was a series of wars in Central Europe from 1618-1648. The siege of Breisach was a success and allowed the French to cut the Spanish Road once more. France was also out-of-touch with the more modern methods of fighting that were coming to the surface in the Thirty Years War. France had to endure a three-pronged attack. The Bohemian phase of the Thirty Years' War thus ended with a Hapsburg and Catholic victory. Why? The Cardinal-Infante was especially successful and many Parisians feared that their city would be occupied. Her troops were undisciplined and lacked experience in the more modern forms of fighting. The Swedish-French Phase (1635-1648) France enters the war and dominates. ... French phase. The new king, Louis XVI, was only four years of age and a Regency had to be established. Besides, France and Spain had fought an undeclared but bitter frontier war for years in northern Italy and along the Spanish Road, even after the formal end of the Mantuan war in 1631. THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION – FRANCE, Prokhorovka – the unknown clash of the Great Patriotic War. What participation France had committed herself to involved just diplomatic and political measures. The high taxes in France had made Richelieu a very unpopular man and the invading Catholic forces hoped to capitalise on this and be seen as a liberating force with religion not being compromised. Louis XIII would then pre-emptively strike before France itself was attacked. The end of the war was not brought about by one treaty, but instead by a group of treaties, … Troops of the Holy Roman Empire and Bavari commanded by Baron Tilly, invaded Bohemia. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Denmark was a Lutheran/Protestant country at the time of the 30 Years' War. Thirty Years’ War – French Phase, 1635–1648 Posted on May 29, 2016 Gustavus’ councillor Oxenstierna replaced him in the field in Germany but lost badly at First Nördlingen (September 5–6, 1634). Alsace also fell to Bernard and when he died in July 19639, his army came under the direct control of the French. Catholic fought Catholic and Protestant killed Protestant while each murdered, raped, tortured, and burned out the other, spreading famine, pestilence, refugees, cruelty, and death through the heart of Europe. In the early months on 1635, France have vacillated over a wholesale military involvement in Europe. It did not enter the war as a Catholic power, as Richelieu had already signed offensive treaties with Protestant Sweden and the Netherlands in expectation of fighting Catholic Austria and Spain. At Wittstock (October 4, 1636), the Imperial Army lost heavily to the Swedes, so that once more the balance of power swung (as it had in the other direction after Nördlingen) and new hope for victory was raised among the Protestant princes of Europe. Up to the Peace of Prague, France had played a minimal part in the Thirty Years War. The new phase saw the German war expanded into an international conflict. The Thirty Years’ War was a European continental war that took place from 1618-1648 (thirty years!). In 1640-41, the Portuguese rebelled against Spain. Thirty Years' War: Franco-Swedish Phase (1635-1648) Louis XIII was the only ruler who wanted the war to continue - in order to diminish Habsburg power even more. In 1618 the Peace of Augsburg unraveled and war broke out: Term. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! ( Log Out / Over a four-year period, the warring parties of the Thirty Years’ War (the Holy Roman Empire, France, and Sweden) were actively negotiating at Osnabrück and Münster in Westphalia. Managed by Caboodle UX design studio in London, Citation: C N Trueman "France and the Thirty Years War", The German Electors had no faith in France . It was commonly thought that Richelieu would be dismissed as a sop to the Cardinal-Infante but Louis XIII stood by him and asked Parisians to be patriotic and supply money to the government in the defence of Paris. … However, the ‘‘German war’’ was no longer solely a German affair: it was a general war involving all the major powers, which meant it could not be ended by a settlement crafted by Germans alone. The French suffered a disaster of their own at Tüttlingen (November 24–25, 1643), after which Turenne was recalled from Italy and given command of the shattered Armee´ d’Allemagne. Regardless of the defeat at Torgau, Sweden marched into, The causes of the Thirty Years War in Western Europe: By 1600, two camps had emerged in western Europe: France and the United Provinces The…. Here, they duly elected his son, Ferdinand, King of the Romans. The 30 Years War can be divided into five major phases:. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. These defections freed Swedish general Lennart Torstensson to invade Moravia and Silesia. Bohemian Phase: Definition. Entire cities were put to the sword out of revenge or reprisal. From September 1640 to October 1641, the full Imperial Diet met for the first time since 1613, to work out the negotiating positions of the Empire for any future peace talks. They marauded over Germany, Bohemia, the Netherlands, Italy, and France, sacking cities and terrorizing populations as they battened off and burned the land. She had proclaimed herself as the saviour against the domination of Europe by the Holy Roman Emperor, but how could a nation that had been invaded warrant the status of protector of European liberties ? Barbarossa to ‘Berlog’ – Soviet Air Force, Rome Military mid-fourth century to the mid-third century BC, Rommel Recaptures Cyrenaica, January 1942, Russian Weapons, that are currently in service…, A Lesson of History: The Luftwaffe and Barbarossa. During these last years, given the strength of fortified defenses and the still unsolved problems of mid-17th century logistics, deep cavalry raiding was about the most either side could undertake. Change ). The Cardinal-Infante attacked through Picardy. The Thirty Years’ War is divided into FOUR PHASES: Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, and French.The Bohemian Phase was purely a local, religious conflict. Though a German state, Trier had been under French protection since 1631. In some areas of Germany, it has been suggested that up to 60% of the population died. The very wealthy merchant community of the United Provinces had wanted little military involvement in the war as they realised that any war on Dutch soil could seriously damage her overall finances. Swedish phase. Sweden could provide France with the necessary military expertise. In 1638 France and Sweden signed the Treaty of Hamburg (March 15) providing French subsidies to Sweden and foreswearing a separate peace. The Swedes followed up with a victory over the Saxons at Chemnitz (April 14, 1638) and occupation of Bohemia. France, therefore, needed alliances. Gallas had to leave the French campaign and confront the Swedes. The Peace of Prague, arranged on Ferdinand’s terms, alarmed France, Sweden and the United Provinces. With each successive phase, the war became more continental in scope, bloodier, and more focused on political power than religion. Rohan was abandoned by the Swiss rebels and had to withdraw to France. King Philip IV of Spain agreed to the marriage French intervention—which guaranteed a great widening of the war— occurred just as Ferdinand and the German princes reached an accommodation that might have ended it: the Peace of Prague (May 30, 1635). Tercios were, above all, groups of a number of companies that could be attached or detached at all times. The Peace of Westphalia (24 October 1648), which ended the war, saw Hapsburg power much reduced. The Winter King: Frederick V of the Palatinate and the Coming of the Thirty Years' War by Brennan C. … The Bohemian phase from 1618 to 1625 was sparked by the defenestration of Prague. Though the attack on France failed, the prestige of France as a nation had suffered. The Spanish themselves were also experiencing problems at home. During the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), organic flexibility was one of the basic characteristics of the armies of the Spanish Monarchy, as it had been in the previous century. Especially since its Lutheran leader, Christian IV, was also a duke of the Holy Roman Empire. This Regency was lead by Anne of Austria, the Queen Mother, and the Italian, Mazarin. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This threat persuaded Richelieu that France must enter the war directly at long last, that fighting the Habsburgs through subsidized proxies was no longer enough. Huge mercenary armies did not so much fight strategic battles as constantly maneuver, plunder, and forage, all the while collecting wages of death. The Bohemian Phase was the start of the 30 Years war. It was greatly aided by the cracking of Habsburg power occasioned by the revolt of Catalonia and another in Portugal in 1640. A determinative battle was Second Breitenfeld (November 2, 1642) where Torstensson destroyed an Imperial army and Ferdinand III’s hope to avoid major concessions to Sweden in the final settlement. The majority of the citizens from the Bohemian Kingdom were Protestants. The Spanish made timely and generous concessions to the Swiss Protestants in the Valtelline and therefore stability was brought back to the area. The French war against Spain continued until 1659, when the Treaty of the Pyrenees awarded France part of the Spanish Netherlands and some territory in northern Spain. The stunning Swedish defeat at Nördlingen confirmed Imperial control of southwest Germany and seemed to re-close a strategic ring of Habsburg lands around the perimeter of France that had been broken by Gustavus. There had been a general European desire for peace since 1640, but no one country was prepared to give up hard-won gains. Granted, the French had a bit of help from the Swedes, who had switched roles from fighter to financier. Like any new emperor or king, Ferdinand had to proved himself but his start was less than auspicious. With Catholicism secure in France following Richelieu’s crushing of the last Huguenot military resistance in 1628, France was free to act for raison d’etat (reason of state) against the Habsburg powers rather than out of delusional confessional loyalty. After the recent victory of the Catholics, Denmark felt that it's sovereignty as a Protestant country would be threatened. Holy Roman Empire promised tolerance of Protestantism in Hungary after more Habsburg defeats in 1645. They loot Germany who can't fight back and loose 1/3 of their population. The end of the Thirty Years' War left Hapsburg Spain isolated. In March 1635, France had once again cut off the Valtelline. The French Phase Gustavus Adolphus was killed in battle in 1632, ending Sweden’s active leadership in the Protestant cause. Despite defeating the Spanish at the Battle of Rocroi in May 1643, France was unable to mount a serious campaign in Europe as military exhaustion had broken out throughout Europe. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. In October 1639, the Dutch had beaten a Spanish fleet at the Battle of the Downs. The Thirty Years War began in 1618 in Preview this quiz on Quizizz. 30 years war DRAFT. The Thirty Years' War was a religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Germany.It originated in the commingling of politics and religion that was common in Europe at the time. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Suomen Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force). The four phases of the thirty years can be summarised as the Bohemian phase, Danish phase, Swedish phase and French phase, which induced the Holy Roman Empire to lose money and caused the empire to split. Not every German prince waited: in July 1641, Friedrich Wilhelm (1640– 1688), the new ‘‘Great Elector’’ of Brandenburg, agreed to a ceasefire with Sweden; in January 1642, the Welf dukes of Brunswick also dropped out of the war (Treaty of Goslar). However, the Dutch had set their eyes on a naval success especially in the New World where Habsburg property was vulnerable to attack. This gave Sweden the opportunity to occupy most of northern Germany. Germany doesn't fully … Oxenstierna, the Swedish chancellor, anxious to preserve Sweden's hold in Germany, supported Richelieu. The Thirty Years War. The Cardinal had put up a stubborn campaign on the land but the defeat of the Spanish navy at the Battle of the Downs, meant that he could no longer be supplied by sea and the Spanish campaign in Flanders dwindled. In October 1635, Bernard of Weimar and his army were taken into French service. Christian IV of Denmark came into the fighting, principally because of his fear of the rise of Hapsburg power in N Germany; he openly avowed religious motives but hoped also to enlarge his German possessions. Moreover, the Habsburg victory persuaded Olivares that the moment had come to throw the French off the right bank of the Rhine, where Richelieu had been planting garrisons since 1632. ( Log Out / 1618-21 Bohemian Revolt; 1621-24 Palatinate phase; 1625-29 Danish intervention; 1630-35 Swedish intervention; 1636-48 French intervention; The following Timeline just lists the major battles. SURVEY . In the autumn of 1636 they were summoned to Regensburg by Ferdinand. Because neither the empire nor the Protestants could deliver the knockout punch, the fighting dragged on and on. Rohan was abandoned by the major Catholic powers of Europe consistently features on lists of conflicts! To leave the French had a bit of help from the South in some areas of Germany, supported.! 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