frequency polygon corbett maths

821 3182 3183 530 3184 3185 556 3186 3186 277 812 1528 1528 932 1529 1529 394 1530 1530 514 95 259 96 96 333 97 97 583 98 99 << 685 598 686 686 601 687 687 246 688 688 556 1282 1282 722 1283 1283 556 1284 1284 722 1003 450 1004 1004 394 1005 1006 432 1007 1007 /BitsPerComponent 8 /Resources << Blog. 617 617 541 618 618 556 619 619 500 620 981 982 581 983 983 267 984 984 262 985 63 Frequency Trees 376 64 Area of Rectangles/Triangles 45, 49 65 Venn Diagrams 380 66 Ratio 269, 270, 271 67 Negative Indices 175 68 Equations (letters both sides) 113 69 y = mx + c 191 70 Cubic Graphs 344 71 Density 384 72 Pressure 385 73 Volume of Spheres/Cones 359, 361 74 Vectors (Columns) 353a 75 Congruent Triangles 67 76 Parallel Graphs 196 /BaseFont /Times-Bold /Type /Font 3327 3327 722 3328 3328 333 3329 3329 666 3330 466 722 467 467 666 468 468 500 469 469 2473 722 2474 2474 556 2475 2475 277 2476 2476 1561 562 1562 1562 525 1563 1564 529 1565 1565 1238 777 1239 1239 556 1240 1240 777 1241 1241 /ImageI ] Frequency Diagrams and Frequency Polygons: Worksheets with Answers. endobj /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding 1818 0 1819 1819 777 1820 1820 556 1821 1821 525 747 526 526 277 527 527 666 528 528 (���&M��bTC��G���F�m0���{�6����(,W�BPذ�o��f��M :�k�#�"G����\�0���Az����(�w#Q4gotE�5���(C��5�E��ㄎ��Mb�W��Wti. >> << 6. Powered by Revision Video 29 - Average from table and frequency polygon 556 2503 2503 722 2504 2504 556 2505 2505 722 endstream 2953 354 2954 2956 377 2957 2957 219 2958 2958 *~e����&$-��KSр*3!iE^��T� I�(��T4��LHZD����UfB�"��4 �2�Q䥩h@u�V��d�5� ���G���������I����|�Qo�&$̀ڨ�� /Type /Font 1100 1102 318 1103 1126 750 1127 1127 125 1129 /BitsPerComponent 8 750 786 786 0 787 794 750 795 795 638 << 1631 530 1632 1633 1098 1634 1635 846 1636 1636 (Page 1 of 7) Tj Task 2 -on the Board. BT 388 531 389 389 656 390 390 593 391 391 Previous Cumulative Frequency Graphs Textbook Answers. >> 2076 2084 542 2085 2085 382 2086 2090 542 2091 This means that the total of frequency column is 240.. 1334 1335 333 1336 1339 0 1340 1340 207 1341 2536 2536 500 2537 2537 610 2538 2538 277 2539 733 2901 2901 596 2902 2902 500 2903 2903 722 (b) Work out the mean number of goals scored per game. 222 3381 3381 723 3382 3382 722 3383 3383 723 547 546 548 548 524 549 549 712 550 550 3239 3239 383 3240 3243 157 3244 3244 270 3245 << 485 1919 1919 527 1920 1921 383 1922 1922 159 /FontName /UESQQH+ArialMT 1832 500 1833 1835 556 1836 1836 738 1837 1838 2825 594 2826 2829 0 2830 2831 222 2832 2832 (2) (c)€€€€ Give two comparisons between the number of hours of television watched by … /XObject << 2926 2926 351 2927 2927 510 2928 2928 430 2929 0 Tr 999 1000 244 1001 1001 282 1002 1002 375 1003 Guestbook. 1011 1012 244 1013 1013 543 1014 1014 600 1015 556 1192 1192 666 1193 1193 556 1194 1194 666 /Width 395 177 177 556 179 180 333 181 182 222 183 0000082682 00000 n (b) Be able to analyse data and calculate statistics: * Calculate the mean, mode, median and range (not quartiles) from listed data. 313 500 315 315 500 317 318 500 319 319 641 222 642 642 906 643 643 812 644 644 500 3048 3048 580 3049 3053 0 3054 3054 568 581 1325 1330 244 1331 1331 269 1332 1333 0 1341 229 1342 1342 207 1343 1343 229 1344 1344 1862 552 1863 1863 556 1864 1864 790 1865 1865 endobj Read about our approach to external linking. 2356 544 2357 2357 718 2358 2358 558 2359 2359 /Subtype /Type1 1255 1255 655 1256 1256 722 1257 1257 556 1258 395 395 443 396 396 604 397 397 187 398 1218 666 1219 1219 556 1220 1220 666 1221 1221 1521 1521 394 1522 1522 514 1523 1523 812 1524 722 2563 2563 666 2564 2564 500 2565 2565 666 are particularly useful for comparing different sets of data on the same diagram. << 556 2488 2488 222 2489 2489 556 2490 2490 222 1755 777 1756 1756 556 1757 1757 666 1758 1758 556 1292 1295 0 1296 1296 541 1297 1297 364 3246 157 3247 3247 274 3248 3249 571 3250 3251 LHZG�{;���I�b@�������v.��^P`B�:��۹|ԛzA� I�(~o��Qo��ϵ���cW�����cA������Q�+��m����(0!iE^��T� I�(v�|o��&$-����O�����b���v>�^P`B�"�/����{A� I�(v�|o���ϵ�'�V�؛]-< 4����������xY^��Q䥩h@�����"/ME�̄�Eyi*Pe&$-��KSр*3!iE^��T�k��s�-N[*����v>~T��&����m��I��� Collecting, recording and representing data. 1538 207 1539 1540 506 1541 1542 207 1543 1544 1498 514 1499 1500 601 1501 1502 394 1503 1504 672 672 562 673 673 541 674 674 398 675 514 833 515 515 722 516 516 649 517 517 2965 377 2966 2966 439 2967 2967 343 2968 2968 2546 2546 556 2547 2547 722 2548 2548 556 2549 The Corbettmaths Textbook Exercise on Frequency Polygons. 1453 1098 1454 1455 846 1456 1457 1098 1458 1459 (c) A journalist asks him for the “average” number of goals scored per game. /ProcSet [ /PDF 2559 943 2560 2560 722 2561 2561 943 2562 2562 39 0 obj 2443 722 2444 2444 556 2445 2445 722 2446 2446 2904 2904 500 2905 2905 458 2906 2906 427 2907 0000035019 00000 n 648 648 488 649 649 411 651 651 1072 652 Length (cm) 20 t 40 40 t 60 80 80 100 Frequency 12 60 108 90 60 Draw a frequency polygon to show this information on the diagram above. /Width 395 722 481 481 943 482 482 722 483 483 666 2440 2440 500 2441 2441 722 2442 2442 556 2443 endobj 675 508 676 676 602 677 677 246 678 678 "The frequency polygon shows the time taken for 100 boys to solve a maths "question. 226 666 227 227 500 228 228 610 229 229 3032 83 3033 3033 0 3034 3034 736 3035 3035 747 0 748 749 318 750 750 356 751 751 500 500 383 501 501 774 502 502 855 503 Calculate the size of each interior angle. 789 3009 3009 583 3010 3012 0 3013 3013 556 2322 2322 666 2323 2323 861 2324 2324 666 2325 /ItalicAngle 0 /BaseFont /Helvetica /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB 3102 562 3103 3103 525 3104 3105 529 3106 3106 666 561 562 277 563 563 500 564 564 1057 3029 3029 556 3030 3030 277 3031 3031 200 3032 5-a-day Further Maths; 5-a-day GCSE A*-G; 5-a-day Core 1; More. 2566 2566 500 2567 2567 666 2568 2568 500 2569 722 57 57 666 58 58 943 59 60 666 (4 marks) Frequency 100 … 741 741 460 742 742 546 743 743 575 744 In frequency polygons we plot the midpoints We then connect our points with straight lines Time Frequency . 1923 1925 239 1926 1926 364 1927 1927 480 1928 /FontBBox [ -664 -324 2000 1005 ] 958 2212 2212 772 2213 2213 560 2214 2214 780 3096 3097 244 3098 3099 713 3100 3101 244 3102 833 583 583 722 584 584 777 585 585 718 1225 1225 556 1226 1226 666 1227 1227 556 1228 394 3124 3124 543 3125 3125 450 3126 3126 525 556 1884 1884 568 1885 1885 546 1886 1886 500 910 910 229 911 912 713 913 914 244 915 244 1362 1363 713 1364 1365 244 1366 1367 713 /Size 50 %%EOF 1599 1599 588 1600 1603 812 1604 1604 207 1605 0000031637 00000 n 120 Frequency 80 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Length (cm) The table shows the lengths of 330 sea eels. 642 699 701 493 702 702 235 703 703 416 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Oblique 557 864 558 558 541 559 559 718 560 560 Radio 4 podcast showing maths is the driving force behind modern science. 214 223 333 224 224 556 225 225 222 226 880 1694 1694 222 1695 1695 277 1696 1696 666 /StemV 80 /Subtype /CIDFontType2 * Find the mean, mode, median, range from a … 50 50 777 51 51 666 52 52 777 53 1386 1386 562 1387 1387 525 1388 1389 529 1390 3361 722 3362 3362 556 3363 3363 277 3364 3364 556 3196 3196 380 3197 3197 556 3198 3198 785 666 2591 2596 813 2597 2602 445 2603 2604 764 3039 3040 886 3041 3041 666 3042 3042 722 3043 Complete lesson with all resources for frequency polygons Everything needed - let me know what you think? 3228 3228 222 3229 3229 556 3230 3230 544 3231 2366 510 2367 2367 635 2368 2368 500 2369 2369 500 1812 1812 666 1813 1813 556 1814 1814 666 282 1566 1566 375 1567 1569 387 1570 1585 432 26 0 obj /L 108064 KS2 - KS4 Teaching Resources Index. 3267 3267 364 3268 3271 0 3272 3272 277 3273 3127 3127 394 3128 3128 543 3129 3129 450 3130 382 2959 2959 407 2960 2960 572 2961 2961 321 Newsletter Archive. 2312 2312 520 2313 2313 722 2314 2314 500 2315 666 413 413 556 414 414 666 415 415 556 2208 575 2209 2209 546 2210 2210 772 2211 2211 556 2447 2447 722 2448 2448 556 2449 2449 722 0000037643 00000 n 100 ≤ w< 110 5 110 ≤ w< 120 9 120 ≤ w< 130 14 130 ≤ w< 140 24 140 ≤ w< 150 8 Draw a frequency polygon to show this information. 7 556 8 8 889 9 9 666 10 10 /Subtype /Type1 435 222 436 436 500 437 437 222 438 438 endobj 1403 525 1404 1405 529 1406 1423 337 1424 1439 /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> 1611 0 1612 1612 1123 1613 1613 1084 1614 1619 1731 1731 556 1732 1732 259 1733 1733 413 1734 << /Subtype /Type1 endobj 328 1963 1963 348 1964 1968 382 1969 1973 333 2325 277 2326 2326 923 2327 2327 668 2328 2328 1690 610 1691 1691 777 1692 1692 624 1693 1693 j��+�ٸ|E�:�zA���o�Dq�����l/�(�f�����ť��(��&��'6�yE/L��!� B�z�%Eq�cmΩ�ƹPz'�榷��� 9����Z�����"��LI%m�@��s��=�7�A!1'������(�4D�(bw��qAB�o�6���҇�⩍��Z�x�Z���a� E���>�ZPl2���o�;�e�W䋢7m`�b�y��� %�{�l=��q� 1775 666 1776 1776 556 1777 1777 666 1778 1778 2023 382 2024 2028 542 2029 2029 382 2030 2034 >> 1876 1876 500 1877 1877 222 1878 1878 259 1879 718 2360 2360 558 2361 2361 777 2362 2362 556 Mathster; Corbett Maths 541 2911 2911 520 2912 2912 712 2913 2913 583 How I wish I’d taught maths, which discusses the use of SSDD Problems alongside purposeful practice, cognitive load theory, variation theory and much more is available directly from my publisher, John Catt Educational Ltd, from Amazon, and from most good (and evil) bookshops. 556 1748 1748 0 1749 1749 666 1750 1750 556 1675 1675 758 1676 1676 656 1677 1677 556 1678 364 3337 3337 666 3338 3338 500 3339 3339 666 3255 3255 339 3256 3256 157 3257 3257 219 3258 2110 2113 542 2114 2204 0 2205 2207 333 2208 18 Angles: Polygons 32 19 Circumference 60 20 Reverse Percentages 240 21 Pythagoras 257, 259 22 Quadratic Graphs 264 23 Area of a Circle 40 24 Arc Length 58 25 Area of a Sector 48 26 Trigonometry 329, 330, 331 27 Density 384 28 Estimated Mean 55 29 Tree Diagrams 252 30 Venn Diagrams 380 277 2543 2543 610 2544 2544 277 2545 2545 722 << 3408 190 3409 3410 500 3411 3413 277 3414 3414 /Subtype /Type1 190 11 12 333 13 13 389 14 14 583 1308 1308 556 1309 1309 500 1310 1310 666 1311 282 333 283 283 722 284 284 333 285 285 556 35 35 1015 36 37 666 38 39 722 x + y = 108 divers. 111 500 112 115 556 116 119 277 120 130 694 738 738 642 739 739 246 740 740 541 3397 943 3398 3398 722 3399 3399 702 3400 3400 Frequency polygons are particularly useful for comparing different sets of data on the same diagram. 532 532 546 533 533 575 534 534 500 535 Frequency Polygons for Foundation level (Recorded with 261 556 262 262 722 263 263 614 264 264 0 3401 3401 732 3402 3402 596 3403 3403 1037 Frequency diagrams and frequency polygons. 289 289 610 290 290 375 291 291 722 292 277 207 209 777 210 212 722 213 213 277 1795 1795 722 1796 1796 556 1797 1797 722 1798 2353 2353 604 2354 2354 458 2355 2355 604 2356 428 2923 2923 166 2924 2924 314 2925 2925 424 /S 148 1974 1982 542 1983 1983 382 1984 1988 542 1989 1707 1707 556 1708 1709 666 1710 1710 500 1711 902 432 903 903 207 904 904 229 905 905 1959 322 1960 1960 157 1961 1961 339 1962 1962 >> 1904 500 1905 1905 403 1906 1906 556 1907 1908 3166 3167 244 3168 3169 525 3170 3171 244 3172 780 1866 1866 549 1867 1873 333 1874 1875 541 833 2818 2818 722 2819 2819 1164 2820 2820 943 352 689 689 574 690 690 529 691 691 566 268 269 556 270 270 222 271 271 556 272 973 543 974 974 450 975 975 525 976 976 3076 3077 244 3078 3079 713 3080 3081 244 3082 2295 656 2296 2296 520 2297 2297 666 2298 2298 750 895 895 616 896 896 412 897 897 207 Store. KS2/3/4:: Data Handling & Probability:: Frequency Tables. 500 1759 1759 777 1760 1760 556 1761 1761 777 3055 3057 722 3058 3058 541 3059 3059 364 3060 722 1792 1792 333 1793 1793 722 1794 1794 333 1782 1782 556 1783 1786 277 1787 1787 777 1788 Frequency Polygons Textbook Answers Click here for Answers . 812 1651 1651 932 1652 1652 246 1653 1653 0 610 1802 1802 277 1803 1803 544 1804 1804 436 3211 3212 556 3213 3213 333 3214 3214 500 3215 656 572 572 666 573 573 541 574 574 677 3020 792 3021 3021 1221 3022 3022 500 3024 3024 "The table shows the times taken by 100 girls to answer the same question. 487 556 488 488 600 489 492 833 493 496 76 77 222 78 78 500 79 79 222 80 /ID [ ��j'�p��Z�&A���kTJ�ED��NDA^m�D�PP��$���bM�J�b���(~Y9kQE!���X�w(Q�CH?B���!�OxE���� ��A��~3 3358 3358 222 3359 3359 556 3360 3360 666 3361 Contents. Therefore. 2605 2608 927 2609 2616 556 2617 2618 819 2619 Frequency Polygons. 2267 2267 796 2268 2268 688 2269 2269 777 2270 /Height 294 Differentiated lesson on frequency polygons, including comparisons of graphs. >> /Descent -210 1879 222 1880 1880 349 1881 1882 277 1883 1883 833 245 245 556 246 246 777 247 247 556 26 24 1765 222 1766 1766 1333 1767 1767 1222 1768 1768 /Ascent 728 1390 562 1391 1391 525 1392 1393 529 1394 1394 /Iabc18 41 0 R 511 511 277 512 512 666 513 513 667 514 1478 1478 262 1479 1480 788 1481 1481 267 1482 846 1460 1461 581 1462 1462 543 1463 1463 450 3139 3139 262 3140 3140 812 3141 3141 932 3142 544 544 556 545 545 568 546 546 481 547 Mixed Attainment Maths. 382 679 679 598 680 680 589 681 681 246 Ready-to-use mathematics resources for Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and GCSE maths classes. 627 627 822 628 628 625 629 629 718 630 /ImageB /Length 3026 endobj 0000002112 00000 n 2302 2302 458 2303 2303 582 2304 2304 437 2305 * Understand frequency diagrams and how grouped data can be put in tabular form. 2450 2450 556 2451 2451 666 2452 2452 556 2453 Maths revision video and notes on the topic of Frequency Polygons. 299 299 550 300 300 777 301 301 797 302 Read more. 30 0 obj When you collect and record data, you can represent it in a diagram. 397 2856 2856 333 2857 2867 0 2868 2868 666 0000031528 00000 n With or without a histogram each bar and joined together the median number of of... 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frequency polygon corbett maths 2021