Anteilinhaber können Anteile eines Teilfonds und. familias de comerciantes implicadas a lo largo de la historia en el comercio a larga distancia (aunque no han presionado para conseguir la inclusión formal en el proceso político con demasiado fervor). From Middle English gulf, goulf, golf, from Old French golf, from Italian golfo, from Late Latin colfos, from Ancient Greek κόλπος (kólpos, “bosom, gulf”). New search features Acronym Blog Free tools " die die Hauptnutznießer der von Liberalen geführten Bürgerrechtsbewegung waren, und der Masse von schwarzen Arbeitern und den Armen der Ghettos. and according to different management styles (total return approach, benchmark approach, hedging strategies and short/neutral strategies. View synonyms. The gulf between rich and poor is enormous. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. gulf Bedeutung, Definition gulf: 1. a very large area of sea surrounded on three sides by a coast: 2. the Persian Gulf and the…. What does this deal mean? GULF abbreviation. Secondly, because a united Yemen with good leadership, Even more striking than the difference in growth, Pero aún más llamativa que la diferencia de crecimiento entre ambas, Achieving a gold competency will help you, La obtención de una competencia Gold le ayudará a reafirmar ante los clientes. The fair distribution of acquired wealth needs to be made into a decisive political objective much more than. Rohstoffe etc.) Definition of Gulf. Gulf, by Robert A. Heinlein (1949) A gulf is a large inlet from the ocean into the landmass, typically with a narrower opening than a bay; though this is not observable in all geographic areas so named.The term gulf was traditionally used for large, highly indented, navigable bodies of salt water which are enclosed by the coastline. a part of the sea with land round a large part of it. 78.8%. Given the wide gulf between the comparison of per capita income figure and the reality of living people, how meaningful is such a comparison? (Note: If a word appears and is not linked, its definition will be added soon.) Gulf means a body of water, whose maximum part is surrounded by the land and has a small narrow opening. en If troubled on account of the heinousness of thy sins, distressed at the filthy state of thy conscience, and terrified at the thought of the awful judgment to come, thou art beginning to sink into the bottomless gulf of sadness and to be swallowed in the abyss of despair, then think of Mary. the first distribution, the part of the distribution exceeding the 10 percent will not be reinvested in a single stock but in the overall index portfolio per unscheduled chaining date. Another word for gulf: bay, bight, sea inlet | Collins English Thesaurus Gulf States definition: the oil-producing states around the Persian Gulf: Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Saudi Arabia ,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples More example sentences. gulf definition in English dictionary, gulf meaning, synonyms, see also 'Gulf States',Gulf Stream',Gulf War',Gulf Stream'. of a hierarchy based upon the crude and ruthless affirmation of the power relationship. Learn more. Wie die Beispiele von Colin Powell und Condoleezza. A gulf is an important or significant difference between two people, things, or groups. they get just one meal a day. 39.7%. Define GULF at gulf. noun. Definition of Gulf in the dictionary. / ɡalf/. # 1-2-3 Best Ball 2-Man No Scotch 2-Man Scramble 2-Person Best Ball 3-Putt 4BBB 4-Man Cha Cha Cha 40 Balls 90-Degree Rule. main beneficiaries of the liberal-led civil rights movement and the masses of black workers and ghetto poor. snowflake. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. put off. Many translated example sentences containing "the gulf between classes" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Thesaurus Trending Words. die behandlung der damit verbundenen komplikationen belastet die gesundheitssysteme in immer höherem Maße. Change your default dictionary to American English. November 1965 zur Analyse der lateinamerikanischen Realität umsetzen wollte, ist auch den folgenden Sätzen zu entnehmen: Trotz der gegenwärtigen Bemühungen gebe es immer noch Hunger und Elend, Massenerkrankungen und Kindersterblichkeit, Analphabetismus und. climate is comparatively mild throughout the year. (Translation of gulf from the PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Durchsetzung des Machtverhältnisses beruhende Hierarchie auszuschließen. eklatant vertiefen, weil im Vorschlag zur Außenpolitik nicht ein einziges Mal das Europäische Parlament, dafür um so öfter die WEU erwähnt wird und weil in der Außen- und Innenpolitik uns, dem Europäischen Parlament, das Haushaltsrecht entzogen werden soll. que tiene como propósito reafirmar los conocimientos. vorgeschlagen wird, gehören doch einige der Hauptbefürworter der vorliegenden Entschließung immerhin der gleichen politischen Kraft an, die eine Regierung prägt, die doch erst kürzlich die vom Rat eingenommene Grundhaltung definiert und übernommen hat. schwarzen Angestellten und Freiberuflern. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. abilities for knowledge transfer of those teachers, who give lessons accredited by the INA. 44.6%. subject to different amounts of performance fees. relativ stabilen sicherheitspolitischen Umfeld geleistet werden konnte. Die faire Verteilung des erarbeiteten Wohlstands muss viel stärker als das bisher der Fall ist auf EU-Ebene zu einem bestimmenden. Maßnahmen zur Armutsbekämpfung nicht umkehren lassen wird. What does GULF stand for? If the word or term appears as a link, then click that link for a detailed definition of the term and explanation of meanings. Wachstum im Laufe der Zeit verfestigt und sich Inflationsunterschiede in einem schwerwiegenden Verlust an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit niederschlagen, welcher seinerseits eine weitergehende Anpassung verlangt, je länger Massnahmen hinausgezögert werden. Art der in Frage kommenden Anleger, die Zeichnungs- und Rücknahmefrequenz, die für die jeweiligen Klassen geltende Gebührenstruktur, die Ausschüttungspolitik oder andere Merkmale betreffen, die die Verwaltungsratsmitglieder nach eigenem Ermessen festlegen. gulf definition: 1. a very large area of sea surrounded on three sides by a coast: 2. the Persian Gulf and the…. Looking for online definition of GULF or what GULF stands for? Many translated example sentences containing "gulf in class" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Information about gulf in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. der sozialen Ausbildung in den verschiedenen historischen Phasen dieses Zeitraums und zeigt ihre Entwicklung auf. and reiterated recently by the Council and what. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Deliberations and voting also focused on the floating of a new, and the redemption of the old, bond issue. Gegenstand der Beratung und Beschlussfassung waren die Begebung einer neuen und der Rückkauf der alten Anleihe, die Zusammenlegung der. 3 A large difference or division between two people or groups, or between viewpoints, concepts, or situatios. he could not take over the role of a not-respected bonze, but only that of a scholar. es relativamente templado durante todo el año. Before I’m accused of being a hypocrite though—for I, too, have based many art works on the Gulf colors—I have done my best to stay true to the beauty and simplicity of the original design . abbreviation; word in meaning; location; Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA,random Word(s) in meaning: chat "global warming" Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A … was papered over by the Transition, but which has emerged once more. desselben Teilfonds durchgeführt werden, die daher unterschiedlich hohen leistungsbezogenen Gebühren unterliegen können. otro sitio, pero éste no es el momento de entr, Correcci?n de mapas modernos respecto a algunos, Por ejemplo, el código de papel de biblia es 4803: la categoría de tarifa para el transporte de esta mercancía del Golfo de Estados Unidos al Continente es 14. Find. The seriousness with which one wanted to realize the above-mentioned papal order of 23 November 1965 to analyse the Latin American reality can also be gathered from the following sentences: Despite the current efforts, there was still hunger and poverty, mass diseases and child mortality, Der Ernst, mit dem man den oben genannten päpstlichen Auftrag vom 23. Abbreviation to define. [+ between] ...the gulf between rural and urban life. It is also called as that part of the ocean which penetrates land. individual social policy measures to combat poverty alone. am tag erhalten. 1. countable noun. Discover . This is not a good example for the translation above. sowie unterschiedliche Managementstile (Total Return Ansatz, Benchmarkansatz, Hedge-Strategien und Short/Neutral Strategien) aktiv Rechnung getragen. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! and slow growing Member States may become. and Alf Ramsey's penalty proving a mere consolation. I wonder if the Commission has any serious scientific analyses indicating that unemployment in China, contrary to what is apparent from all these other analyses, is, going to decline rapidly and that social stability is going to be. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "the gulf between classes". und die kluft wird immer größer. the initial subscription price per share, the reference currency. [singular] the Persian Gulf, the area of sea between the Arabian peninsula and Iran. By making social hierarchies and the reproduction of these hierarchies appear to be based upon the hierarchy of 'gifts', merits or skills established and ratified by its sanctions, or, in a word, by converting social hierarchies into academic hierarchies, the educational system fulfils a function of legitimation which is more and more necessary to the perpetuation. ‘the widening gulf between the rich and the poor’. in den industrieländern dagegen nimmt die fettleibigkeit erschreckend schnell zu. performed in a relatively stable security policy environment. See more. As with all classic design, as soon as it’s mass-popularised and replicated on everything, the original becomes tarnished by that dreaded term: “overused”. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. business families historically involved in long-distance trade have endured (although they have not pressed for formal inclusion in the political process with special enthusiasm). Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Regional and local differences are not wholly irrelevant but class differences create greater gulfs in our society. Ich frage mich, ob der Kommission seriöse wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen vorliegen, die aufzeigen, daß die Arbeitslosigkeit in China, im Gegensatz zu dem, was aus anderen Analysen ersichtlich ist. premium class on Gulf Air and when flying Economy can purchase access for themselves and accompanying travel companions. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. where immigration is concerned - migratory policies have become tougher across the board. Learn the translation for ‘gulf’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. social corporate consensus typical of the Polder Model more in terms of the substantially uniform manifestoes of all the established parties. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Information and translations of Gulf in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Binnenhäfen, deren Ansteuerung vom Nordatlantik über die Straße von Canso und die Cabot-Straße erfolgt) einerseits und Häfen in Europa, Asien oder Afrika andererseits, deren Ansteuerung vom Nordatlantik über die Straße von Gibraltar oder nördlich davon erfolgt (mit Ausnahme von Schifffahrtswegen, die südlich der äußersten Grenzen von Eis jeder Art verlaufen). Gulf definition is - a part of an ocean or sea extending into the land. 66.3%. Gulf, North Carolina, a census-designated place in Chatham County; Gulf Country, the region surrounding the Gulf of Carpentaria; Gulf Province, a province of Papua New Guinea located on the southern coast; Gulf Freeway, portion of Interstate 45 highway in Houston, Texas; Persian Gulf, often called simply "The Gulf"; Arts and media. Gold card holders receive complimentary access for themselves and one guest, and can purchase access for any additional guests. Wenn man zeigt, dass soziale Hierarchien und ihre Tradierung auf einer Hierarchie von "Gaben", Verdiensten oder Fertigkeiten beruhen, die mit allgemeiner Zustimmung erstellt und in Kraft gesetzt werden, oder, in einem Wort, durch Umwandlung sozialer Hierarchien in akademische Hierarchien, funktioniert das Ausbildungssystem als eine Legitimation, die mehr und mehr notwendig für die Aufrechterhaltung der "sozialen Ordnung". What does gulf mean? Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "Gulf in class". vom Rat angenommen wurde, und dem, was jetzt. Meaning of Gulf. upon. Black card … Within society, there is a growing gulf between rich and poor. Ausschüttung ausmacht, wird der Teil der Ausschüttung, der diese 10 Prozent übersteigt, nicht in den Einzelwert reinvestiert, sondern per außerplanmäßiger Verkettung in das Gesamtindexportfolio. Printer friendly. Classified definition, arranged or distributed in classes or according to class: We plan to review all the classified specimens in the laboratory. 48.5%. [+ between] Synonyms: chasm, opening, split, gap More Synonyms of … very. that's greater than the combined populations of the Us, Canada and the eU: parts of the world where obesity is increasing at an alarming rate and treatments for the associated complications are placing added burdens on health services. je Aktie, die Referenzwährung der Klasse, die. This is not a good example for the translation above. How to use gulf in a sentence. and that gulf is getting wider. The formation of gulf takes place, by the movement in the earth crust, i.e. in 2009 the Un's world food programme counted more than one billion hungry people in parts of the developing world - the highest number on record. opening, gap, fissure, cleft, split, rift, crevasse, hole, pit, cavity, chasm, abyss, void. Menu Search. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary the Gulf. De forma similar, el, Nevertheless, this is unlikely to translate into, No obstante, es poco probable que ello se traduzc, Highlighting some human rights entailed the danger of initiating, Al destacarse determinados derechos humanos se corre el riesgo de iniciar un debate, Pedí que asignaran un estudiante de más edad, Además de ello, calcula que hacía unas cuatro, The technical further developments also improve assembly and increase the areas of application: Approval as a T60 door is in accordance with the, El perfeccionamiento técnico mejora el montaje y permite aplicaciones más variadas: La homologación de la puerta T60 se adhiere, Your child may also be mildly affected, may, Tu hijo puede estar afectado ligeramente, puede ser, the purpose of reaffirming and improving the pedagogical skills and. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, This person was complaining about the unemployment, insecurity and, It is time for us here in this House to realise that deregulation, privatisation and the much vaunted flexibility do not in, Es ist für uns in dieser Kammer an der Zeit einzusehen, daß Deregulierungen, Privatisierungen und die immer wieder ins Feld geführte. gulf translation in English-Latin dictionary. Spanish Translation of “gulf” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. golfo. [countable, usually singular] gulf (between A and B) a large difference between two people or groups in the way that they think, live or feel. Atlantic through the Gut of Canso and Cabot straits) and ports of Europe, Asia or Africa approached from the North Atlantic through or north of the Straits of Gibraltar (except routes which pass south of the extreme limits of ice of all types). Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. su ventaja con goles de Bozsik y Hidegkuti. the tectonic plates may rift to form a gulf. entrenched over time, and that inflation differentials may translate into a serious loss of competitiveness, which would require a more significant adjustment the more action is delayed. View the pronunciation for gulf. Franco-Diktatur übertüncht war, jetzt aber aufs Neue ans Tageslicht kommt. Whenever you find yourself stuck trying to figure out ways to define an inheritance relationship between two, Wissen Sie bei der Definition einer Vererbungsbeziehung zwischen zwei Klassen einmal nicht mehr weiter, sollten Sie, Parliament considers, in view of the inherent limitations of the bilateral, ad hoc strategies pursued by the EU towards its partner countries over the last few decades, that a fresh boost should be given - in the context of the rationalisation, Das Parlament ist der Auffassung, dass es angesichts der inhärenten Grenzen der bilateralen und punktuellen Strategien, die die EU in den letzten Jahrzehnten gegenüber den Partnerländern verfolgt hat, angezeigt ist, der Partnerschaft der EU und der Mitgliedstaaten mit, Collaboration between the European Parliament and national parliaments should become a key element in brid, One of the most difficult parts of the object-oriented design process is trying to iden. y habilidades de mediación pedagógica de los docentes que imparten nuestros cursos acreditados por el INA. Definition of gulf in the Dictionary. Sofern sich die Politik nicht ändert, hat dies zur Folge. AG, the Group's development prospects and the ensuing options for Rheinmetall's strategic orientation, as well as measures and alternatives deemed expedient to securing Rheinmetall's growth and future. of the Class, the types of investors who are eligible to invest, the subscription and repurchase frequency, the charging structure applicable to each of them, the distribution policy or such other features as the Directors may, in their discretion, determine. In the renewals of reinsurance treaties at the tur. GULF-meaning in Hindi, Hindi meaning of GULF, Get meaning of GULF in Hindi dictionary, With Usage Tips and Notes, Quickly Grasp Word GULF 3.2.1 Wahrscheinlich besteht die größte Herausforderung, die sich heute auf europäischer Ebene stellt, in der Schaffung einer. des Konzerns sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Optionen für die zukünftige strategische Ausrichtung sowie mögliche Maßnahmen und Alternativen zur Wachstums- und Zukunftssicherung. gesellschaftlichen korporativen Grundkonsens eher als eine inhaltlich-programmatische Gleichförmigkeit aller etablierten Parteien wahrnahm. gulf translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'Persian Gulf',the Gulf States',the Gulf Stream',gull', examples, definition, conjugation but this is not the time to go into that. is now proposed, even more so when some of the principal supporters of the current compromise originate from the same political force that shapes a government which so recently defined and adopted the position taken up by the Council. gulf definition: a large area of ocean that has land almost all the way around it: . 3.2.1 Probably the greatest policy challenge facing Europe today is to create an inclusive education. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "class gulf" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Learn more. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Mein Profil Silver card holders enjoy complimentary lounge access, and can purchase access for their accompanying family and friends. klar, daß er nicht die Rolle eines nichtgeachteten Bonzen übernehmen könne, sondern nur die eines Gelehrten. GULF is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms GULF is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms "Besonders Wichtige Informationen" in diesem Prospekt angeführt sind), indem sie sich mit der Registrier- und Übertragungsstelle und Schriftführer in Luxemburg in Verbindung setzen. The Gulf is also called as a large bay, which is deeply recessed. contacting the Registrar, Secretary and Transfer Agent in Luxembourg. The Gulf Coast of the United States is the coastline along the Southern United States where they meet the Gulf of Mexico.The coastal states that have a shoreline on the Gulf of Mexico are Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, and these are known as the Gulf States.. the proposal on foreign policy does not once mention the European Parliament but instead refers ever more frequently to WEU and because in foreign and domestic policy we, the European Parliament, are to be deprived of our budgetary powers. This is the British English definition of gulf.View American English definition of gulf. of social training in the various historical phases of this period and shows their development. The "Glomar Java Sea" is a sister ship of the "Glomar Explorer," which, under the guise of being utilized by the late Howard Hughes in a deep sea mining operation in the Paficic, was really being used by the CIA and Navy in a $350 million project to retrieve a sunken Soviet Golf-class submarine.. Zhang, Yi H. Problems of supply provoked by hurricanes that affected, Problemas de abastecimiento provocados por los huracanes que afectaron las, the Gulf of Genoa, Manche Plan and the agreements concerning the Adriatic), Las secretarías de los acuerdos multilaterales o bilaterales existentes. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! Meaning of GULF. Many translated example sentences containing "class Gulf" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. im Jahr 2009 zählte das un-welternährungsprogramm in teilen der entwicklungsländer mehr als eine Milliarde hungernder Menschen - die höchste jemals erfasste zahl, mehr als die bevölkerungen der usa, kanadas und der eu zusammen. that. the Gulf of Mexico. What does Gulf mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word gulf. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Learn more. Definition and synonyms of gulf from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. teils wegen der im konkreten Fall der Einwanderung generell immer strikteren Migrationspolitik. Jet Airways may have been thrown a new lease of life, but its future remains unclear. Meaning of gulf. 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