How many words is that? I would guess that having a different number of words would change the meaning of each bible a little at a minimum. God is… well, God! A lot of the names we give to children have biblical origins. How did you come to this conclusion? I think thats a good Idea to just trust it. Have a blessed day! However, unlike here, we do not foster faith in a church or preach we are the one true church, to whom all are to submit, while distinctive Catholic teachings are not manifest in the only wholly inspired substantive authoritative record of what the NT church believed (including how they understood the OT and gospels), which is Scripture, especially Acts thru Revelation. Do not fear, but trust in Him only. Maybe if the Bible was a bit shorter, more people would actually read it. Seriously, who wants to read 3/4 of a million words on anything? Love comes from within you, not from some non existent external force. Lord: 6,749 6,781 6,114: 635 - God: 3,995 4,094 2,678: 1,317 - said: 3,071: 3,619: 2,196: 875 - king: 2,552: 2,504: 2,289: 263 - Israel: 2,431: 2,318: 2,344: 87 - son: 2,544: 2,701 You are the Light of the world, Matthew 5:14-16. ARE CONSISTENT, THE NUMBER OF WORDS MUST WORK After we worshipped the prophet walked the isles and God healed and spoke to those in need of a word. What matters most is that you get a Bible and that you read it—all the time. Serving God and Mammon, Matthew 6:24. Wrong. From infants we are told what is right and what is wrong, and can you guess how many of those lessons come from the book that you do not want to believe in. If you disregard words that are articles, conjunctions … It gives an accurate reading of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek original text and is a strong choice for anyone interested in serious Bible study. that makes a person Christ follower. Do what jesus would do. Apologists have many answers, so I recommend chatting with a pastor or a friend who knows good theology. The grammar, structure, and style of those languages are very different from English, and a literal word-for-word translation is not possible. The Catholic Bible has an even higher word count because it has seven books more than the protestant Bible. These numbers aren’t the same. Lil THE BIBLE IS A CALENDAR OF THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. In the notorious “Wicked Bible'” the word “not” was accidentally omitted from the commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Three little letters can make a huge difference in meaning. You do realize that the words “In God We Trust” aren’t written anywhere in the Bible, don’t you? Next, there must be a good familiarity with the language and cultural context at the point where the work will arrive. I knew good from evil and what was pleasing to God and what wasn’t. The Bible has one Central Character, who is referred to as “God” 4,094 times and as “Lord” 6,781 times. Love God, Love your neighbour, love your enemy… love everyone. 609,247 OT and 180,382 NT (first edition 179,011 NT) The only way you’d advocate that is if you believe the Constitution is wrong. The Bible does say not to argue about words, and anyone who claims to know there bible would be familiar with Matthew 7: Do not Judge or you too will be judged, For in the same way as you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And even if most words have a counterpart in different languages, some do not. The first Bible below “ The Augustine Bible” ESV-CE (English Standard Version Catholic Edition) contains the entire Bible (Old and New Testament). Of-course, early Protestants also used the sword of men against theological opponents, which was one of the many things they needed to unlearn from Rome. This innovation was brought about by a man named Stephen Langton, and it made finding your way around a lot easier. The problem with the Bible is that it is the word of God, it is living and active and sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Does this include the titles of books, chapter, verse and headings of psalms or just simply the text? If you can type at 60 words a minute, it would take you just over 217 and a half hours to retype the entire Bible. 1 Peter 2:7-8,Unto you therefore which believe HE is precious:but unto them which be disobedient,the stone which the builders disallowed,the same is made the head of the corner,and a stone of stumbling,and a rock of offence,even to them which stumble at the word,being disobedient: where unto also they were appointed. You stated under wordy facts for fun that Psalm 117 was the longest chapter in the Bible but actually it is the shortest. “Mahershalalhashbaz” is the longest name in the Bible, and fortunately for us, it has fallen out of fashion. When the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered between 1947 and 1956, they contained Biblical and apocryphal works, prayers, and legal texts and sectarian documents that helped scholars better understand the history of Judaism and the beginnings of Christianity. the number of words in the old testament can be found in numbers 1:46. I bet most people have never read the entire Bible. "The Bible is not for putting in a shelf, but rather for having it at hand. How many times have you felt alone trying to figure out life’s rough patches, or needed words of wisdom and encouragement, or have given up praying because God doesn’t seem to answer? Mark. I want it accurately for research purposes. You’ve asked some excellent time-based questions. but thats not right one bit, the Bible says “In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth.” see! Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Further, a true catholic will also be well versed in the common hymnals, prayers, and preachings of the catholic church as they differ from other branches of the Christian faith. “I’m going to make a point.” could be interpreted as “I am making a point out of a substance.” or “I am indicating something with the words I’m using to make a point.”. You missed by two. correct. Something that will add even more to your testimony of who He is in your life & who He wants to be in those who are watching & listening to you. James 1:8,A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. The choice is based on personal preference. As a Christian Nation, we should be teaching our kids Christian values. If someone else repeats what you wrote, are they still your words? He asked what is wrong and I told him. I enjoyed the article though. I began to read, ask 1000 questions, anything to know God. “Of those many contemporary translations of the Bible into English, only a few are officially approved by the Catholic Church to be free from inaccuracy and excessive bias,” Binz said. And because of the way it’s written, it takes a lot longer to read than a normal book. The first English Version used by the Roman Catholic Church since A.D. 1582. It is the only book that tells us where we came from and where we are going and how to get there. Ready for my reaction the catholic turned christian. If you can learn that, then you can give love unconditionally without fear. The King James Bible is the most popularly used book among Christians … Read the bible and you’ll find that things went wrong through disobedience but God was unphased and put into place an amazing plan to put things right. Pope John Paul II spoke of the “three pillars” of good biblical translation: “First, there must be a deep knowledge of the language and the cultural world at the point of origin. THE KJV HAS 743040 WORDS, IT STATES IN THE BIBLE THE NUMBER Elect more demon-crats and liberals, and we will be that devil government and incur the wrath of the God of Heaven and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just saying…. But perhaps not in the very words that are on your bank notes. These are the words of St. Isadore (560-636 AD) on what we gain when we pray and read the Catholic Bible regularly. Those are great questions! Synononims are the opposite but just to justify ur comment lol I have been suffering and seen the fear that GOD himself can bring auditory Evilness through my eyes anonyims equal to my synonyms Correct nonjudgemental think about that. Catholics Celebrate Palm Sunday as the Path of Peace, Four Reasons Catholic Gifts Are Profoundly Meaningful, The Top 4 Catholic Medals for Men and Women. “In God We trust” is nowhere in the Bible. Only God. So, how did this number get found? Absolutely fascinating technical facts about the bible. (* With the words of Jesus in red.) The word count – 788,280 is based on the KJV and seems to be almost exactly as we’d expect (see our page on How Many Words in the Bible for more information on this). From its fascinating history to the debates around biblical matters that rage today. Maybe you should read it for the first time since your statement makes it sound like you have never opened the Book. God knows our limited and/or biased capacity, so He gives us the Holy Spirit, as our personal Councilor, and indwells in whoever believes and invites Him into heart, soul, and mind. While extremely accurate, a word-for-word translation can be more difficult to read. Wrong. My choice. The Bible is God’s way of speaking to us telling us, “I am here and am going nowhere. When we come back He welcomes us back with open arms. From the start I got to see miracles and I kepted seeking God. Also there are 879 verses in the Gospel of John.There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament.922-879=50…so you can start at John 1vs 1 and it parallels all the way up to Malachi 4vs6 with John21 vs25.Now why is Genesis excluded because The Gospel of John was written to the church (and it’s all about who Jesus really is)…and if your in the church(the true church)we already know that Christ is the Creator.Also that’s why you read John…If you come away reading John and you don’t come to the conclusion that Christ is the Creator you missed the point of why John was written in the first place and John emphases this in the Book of John itself. The Eye is the Lamp of the Body, Matthew 6:22-23. Um, Jesus is a very common Hispanic name…. It has the imprimatur of Cardinal George Basil Hume. The New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) is a Catholic translation of the Bible published in 1985. Why do Christians that bibles that have different numbers of words are the word of god? THE BIRTH OF AMERICA, 1776, JEREMIAH 38. You shouldn’t judge. , Well, if someone has translated it then it is no longer the word of God. How did you come to this conclusion? Thank you for worning.but please can you tell me why? It didn’t just come out of thin air. 14 He will be your joy and delight and many will rejoice at his birth,. The Catholic Bible has the Apocrypha and the Christian Bible does not. Your argument might hold weight if the number of words in each different language had the same number of words, but this is not the case. Look no further than Psalms, a book that also includes the longest chapter in the Bible: Psalm 119, which has more words than any other chapter. There will be a lot to look at that will change the number, but if you take one version of the bible it is quite possible to get an accurate word count for it. The proof is in prophecy, which can be historically verified that the predictions made were made before the events occur. You also have the option of choosing Bibles that have notes, annotations, maps, timelines, and dictionaries to help enrich your reading experience. I know someone didn’t sit down with a Bible in front of them and count each word individually. Martin Luther felt that seven of the books accepted as part of the Old Testament at the time were not quite up to scratch since the 90 AD Jewish Council of Jamnia had rejected them. I came here because I’m looking for information as to whether the different word counts of the bible change the meanings from bible to bible, and to what extent. Wow – so simple. Linda, just a few hundred years ago living your catholic faith would mean reporting men like Michael (above) to the Office of the Inquisition who could be tortured in order to obtain a confession. So does that mean you written comments here are not your words? One of the most beautiful, almost wistful passages in the Bible is the last verse of John, 21:25: “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. I know that most people when they think of god they see an older jesus but nobody has ever seen him, right? Many Catholics either have not been privileged to be exposed to the authentic teachings of the Church, or simple never made the effort to find out about their faith. If you believe and trust in God, then everything will be fine and you will get to go to Heaven. And if you don’t, you’re going to go to Hell. Understanding is not automatic. In contrast, a dynamic equivalent translation conveys the overall meaning and message of the original, but is in a more readable version. 1Tim 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. I came upon this artical looking for word counts in popular books, but I’m grateful for all the the other interesting factoids I picked up from this article (100 million in China, who would have known!). Please reference the Septuigent (Greek translation) as a good ‘it existed in black and white by this date” and see the pinpoint accurate prophecies of the nations that would rise, the directs they would come from, the nature of them, the very day the messiah would come in as king (about 500 year prediction to the day accurate), how the messiah would die, who he would die with, how he would be tried, etc. I need Him everyday and every hour, for He through the Councilor (Holy Spirit) is my salvation and strength, or I’ll be wondering off easily due to our human sinful in libation and evil worldly influenced. It came from God so we would TRUST Him. Finally, if Love comes within in you, remember that Hate would also be within you, but, the Lord, Jesus Christ, never mentioned or used anything else but LOVE. The Bible has been used before the modern age as an effective tool by the ruling elite, whether it be the clergy, or the monarchy, for conserving their power and discouraging innovations which gradually occurred in spite of their efforts to erode that power. The Roman Catholic Bible comes in 19 different English versions. The fool says in his heart, there is no God! There are some variations between versions with included/excluded text and verses, however, for the … Also evolution is a proven thing. Psalm 119 is the longest. THE BOOK OF MATTHEW, 23684 WORDS,1071 VERSES. Now with Google Translator for non-English speakers. Wait a minute I am a rock n roller, FM radio all the way. I guess the same way they did during slavery times! He laid hands on me but I didn’t feel anything but my wife hit the floor and began to speak in toungues. In good, old, America For example, real Catholics know exactly what the 7 commandments of the catholic faith are, and the precise order in which they arrive in a Catholic's lifetime. It presents moral lessons which are good but also founded on tribalism, or the relationships of a relatively small group of people where a couple hundred thousand are a mighty nation, and thus its predictive and prescriptive powers are prone to fail when scaled to today’s global socioeconomic system. Anyone who thinks that the words “In God We Trust” is written in the Bible has obviously never read the Bible. For those who are looking for a lot of information in a very short book, 3 John is recommended reading; it has the lowest word count of all the books in the Bible. “As i have loved you, so you must love one another” Believing in God is a commitment that some people are just not ready to make, the longer you put it of the longer you miss out on God’s blessings. When the Bible was first written, it was in Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic. Does anyone know if there has ever been a numerical count of the number of Sins against God from those in the Old and New Testament? It’s a simple question incomes with the simple answer. Tell me again how a translation can’t change the meaning or even erase the meaning of what you intended to say? You write: “The King James Authorized Bible has 783,137 words.” Lots of times, right? Because it’s a translation. How can they still be ‘your words’ when the meaning has been misinterpretation by someone trying to translate them? It is Gods love letter to all of mankind. God put that love in you just like he put it in all of us, unfortunately most people these days choose not to love. The miracle of the eye alone is mind boggling! See, if evolution was NOT proven it would be called the Evolutionary Hypothesis. 364.2426. exodus 12:40 – 41 430 years, 430 x 364.2426 = You made it so I had time to do other things over Christmas vacation! But what these other people are telling you is that the phrase “In God We Trust” is our national motto and printed on all US money but that phrase itself does not appear anywhere in the Bible. Hi Holly; You are on the right path the Bible does tell us to trust in the Lord, mainly in the Psalms. How does one actually go about counting the words in the Bible? It was when I stopped fellowshipping with God that the conviction didn’t have the influence over me as much. 23684 / 1071 = 22.1139122316 (rounded off as 22. I am trying to conduct some personal research on the following: What is the Purpose of the Rosary in Catholic Life? 743040, time in scripture is not measured in terms of 1 year, 2 year, 3 year ect. I listened everyday and my faith and curiosity grew Just because someone doesn’t believe in your religion doesn’t mean your God who supposedly loves everyone is sending them straight to hell. Of course, some names have fallen out of grace for good reasons. They’re not the ‘Words of God’ or the words of god. It teaches judgement and punishment. You guys are fighting over the stupidest things ever. But it was also written in a culture where belief was king, and reason and evidence were an outside invention which often had to be purged in order to maintain the purity of the local culture. Indeed, love is a capacity to unite us with God & our neighboring people, and all creation by Him such as the nature. Remember Sodom and them other cities. If you were to flip through your Bible counting question marks, you’d find 3,294, but now that I’ve told you how many there are, you can save yourself the trouble. People, this is an estimate. Please log in again. 15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord; he must drink no wine, no strong drink; even from his mother's womb he will be filled with the Holy Spirit,. No, it doesn’t include the Apocrypha. The number of words in the Greek New Testament are also provided in … Nobody cares about what your religious beliefs are when they come to this article. How many times have you felt alone trying to figure out life’s rough patches, or needed words of wisdom and encouragement, or have given up praying because God doesn’t seem to answer? Would you like to guess which country prints the most bibles? “In God We Trust” is written on US currency, not in the Bible. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. TO PROVE THIS, LETS PUT A DATE ON THE 79TH CHAPTER OF PSALMS, THE DATE 1343, THIS WAS THE DATE OF THE BLACK PLAGUE, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIED, SO FAST THEY COULD NOT There are 31,102 of them, and the shortest one is John 11:35 “Jesus wept,” while the longest is in the book of Esther and consists of 78 words. When y try to interpret the words, you corrupt them with your own sins. China comes in at number 1. No other book comes close to answering all the questions of man concerning salvation of our soul. The problem I have with attributing divine intervention is that the Bible really contains nothing that cannot be discovered, reasoned, or invented by the human mind. I find it ironic that as a former Protestant who prayed much, and many words, before I was Catholic, that it was far easier to drift into “vain repetition” when all I prayed was spontaneous prayers. Thank you. Other experts differ, but one thing is for certain, saying that “a lot” of bibles have been printed over the years would be an understatement. There are no extra books in the Bible, however Protestants have taken out seven books that were in it for 1500 years. I was scared’ I never saw this before. She was bouncing all over the floor under the power of the holy spirit. Looking for the longest book in the Bible? The books of old are never pick up anymore and never tries to teach us how to get to heaven or any where else. I don’t know any Hebrew but I know a smidgen of Spanish, so here’s an example: “Tu erres mi amore” = “You are my Love” or “I love you”. Released in 2011, the New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE) includes a newly revised translation of the entire Old Testament (including the Book of Psalms) along with the 1986 edition of the New Testament. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to teach, purify, reveal, empower, and unite all of the mankind, if we would just obey His commandments and jump on this car and test drive it, follow His instructions/commandments and love to follow Him all of our life. By the way – catholic is christian. I should add (and as you can see on our page most versions of the Bible (in English) seem to run around 750k-800k words, so the other counts of NASB conform to this, whereas yours doesn’t. God will put in you his spirit to live in you and he will lead you into all truth. That’s because your brain is stumbling over the hypocrisy, it’s double speak and it’s constant contradictions. I am not a Jehovah’s Witness, but it seems a curious omission in the context of the plethora of less important information. No child should be subjected to that until they enter the age of reason where they can make their own choices. First I backed up in FEAR and shouted ‘What did you do to my wife’ Are you wondering why? There is no being like him. Islam is being taught in many of our public schools in the name of understanding and diversity. All day long. What does wanting to know how many words there in the bible have anything to do with going to hell? The number of words in each Bible will be significantly different. That He is always there for us. I would have guessed that the Bible had over 1 million words. Pretty simple. Reading the stories about Jesus helps us to love Him more. HIGH Frequency Words = over 1,000 mentions: Word: Total # of Times: NIV: Comment: 1 NIV: 2 KJV: Old Test. All these comments make me feel bad for this country. The enemy wants us to argue over the details and differences in each others interpretation. I agree we should all do it, but we should do it because we know it’s the right thing to do, not because a book tells us to. The Apocryphal books also teach some practices that are inconsistent with Scripture's teachings. I would be interested in knowing the number you arrived at in the book of psalms, counting all words, including the italicized, the total number of words in the old and new testament can be calculated from genesis 6:3. it is 100% I am a believer but I still have some questions that no one has been able to answer, maybe you guys can help. 4 Wisdom will never enter the soul of a wrong-doer, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin;. I came up with a word count for the KJV bible to be 789,617 words. Remember the lyrics of the song ” and they’ll know we are christians by our love, by our love. I can’t believe all the religious crap that gets spewed for an article about how many words there are in the Bible. John 1:1-4 explains this: When time began, God and Jesus were already there, and then through Jesus everything was made, including us! Why not do it because it’s the right thing to do and not because a book tells you to do it? I’m Pistol Pete Marovich II “Prayer purifies us, reading instructs us...If a man wants to be always in God's company, he must pray regularly and read regularly. You answer that one. The famous medieval scholar Anselm said “God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived.” Your amazing question also gets straight at the heart of the Trinity, God the Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. No other book in history has been as influential as the Bible. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. I wondered most of my younger wild days and I still loved God but I did what pleased me not Him. How can you hate someone that doesn’t exist? Yep God brought me back. The Lord says, “The time has come to change your wine skin, for I Am about to fill it with My New Wine of My Spirit!” I then feel nothing, only emptiness, emptiness, emptiness….But I remain patiently, and so I wait, reading and praying.” - Pope Francis. How many words are in them? EXAMPLE: THE LAST YEAR OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Like the prodigal son he welcomes us back always. 1. Who created god? How many letters and spaces in English bible??? Remember the world wide flood. I wonder, does this include the Apocrypha? we can become an anti-God government. There’s also the need to change certain words and idioms that are no longer in use, such as thou, beseech, hearest, etc. Instead of divine consistency we see a book that has the be interpreted to figure out the finer points of what it’s saying (or else if you read it entirely literally you sometimes find a mess of conflicting and sometimes confusing verses) and from this the many sects of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity which all disagree on these interpretations even in good faith. of books 39 and verses 929 total is the same as the number in numbers 1:46, 603,550. Maybe if your attention span and devotion was a bit longer then you would read it. Preacher after preacher learning, learning, learning. He wants us to know him through his Word, and it’s the best way to learn about him. What an honor to serve in the house of the Lord. Now those who were persecuted are doing the same to those who don’t believe the same things they don’t or happen not to believe that all. Translating a text does means that the original meaning is preserved not re-interpreted. It’s a complete falsehood that we are a Christian nation. You shouldn’t make arguments when you don’t have your facts correct. 1657 % 17 = PSALMS 97, JEREMIAH 31. Like a bunch of old ladies playing Bingo. As men, you can not into meaning of the words my Father wrote because you are fallible. The country’s original pledge has nothing to do with God whatsoever and it was never mentioned in the constitution. The Bible did not bring about a better understanding of the world. And couldn ’ t include anything how many words in the catholic bible Jews didn ’ t include anything Jews... 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