Gladly I've been able to overcome my aversion in the last 2 years (I'm now 20). Food is something most of us enjoy—sometimes, a little too much. yes that is it!! My husband blames me, my mother too, they think it's my fault and I simply do not know what to do. Maybe have them explain what they don't like about it, is it sour? It just makes eating with other people stressful. So I'm 14 years old and I'm at boarding school. Slowly, I'm also able to drink new type of juice and the more I try new juices, the more I'm able to try new type of juice! I knew then, the doctors had no idea what I was dealing with. I'm not paralyzed by trying new foods, but I can't bring myself to try anything anymore. i don't ever want to try new food especially if it is being asked of me... i don't understand people who can just go anywhere and get anything and not care. Peppers and beans are also new favourites of mine - try to relate them to French fries - they're crispy and go well with ranch! etc. Like so many of you, I have an intense fear of trying new foods. Citrus has been shown to help detox the body, spurring weight loss, but folks with acerophobia just can't seem to get on this bandwagon. yeah, pretty effed up, and awful, and so french fries are what i associate with my mental collapse. its ruining my life..i have a new boyfriend and went to his mums for dinner (goats cheese and roasted vegetables) i thought i could handle it but it was all the veg i can't stand! I'm so unbelievably relieved about what everyone else has said that I started crying while reading some of these, I really liked Sara's input on it. My teen aged son has never had any citrus at home and feels guilty if he has it at school. That made four things and remained the extent of his diet until he was about twelve, when suddenly he would accept things like pepperoni, and the odd spinach leaf on his pizza and very recently he stretched to chicken kebabs with salad and chicken korma which was something of a surprise! i heard of a phobia of undercooked tater tots. Or am i the only one. believe it or not a LOT of kids at school have this fear. While it sounds pretty outlandish, folks suffering from cibophobia actually experience debilitating side effects such as drastically micro-managing their diet, obsessing over expiration dates, and avoiding perishable foods. iStock. So it may be hard to believe that some people are afraid of food. Fish are rich in heart-healthy omega-3s and lean protein yet people with ichthyophobia avoid the swimmers at all costs. I also don't like mushy vegetables, I prefer vegetables to always be crisp. that's just one example of the stress and anxiety it causes. it is a teribble thing to suffer in silence and consider yourself a freak, the fear i experience when i have to eat out is terrible i just want to run and hide. i know as i do it to. Some people may be afraid of eating highly perishable foods and won't eat anything containing mayonnaise or … If I hadn't gotten better, I would have had to go to the hospital. He has never eaten a veggie in his life or fruits other than applesauce. Its a phobia that has come about from other issues in my life. My parents and grandparents tried to get me to try new foods but I literally gag when I put cooked veggies onto my tongue. If something smells sour, there's about no chance of me tasting it. stratera = devil's drug. *Please note that phobias are not mere dislikes, but severe and paralyzing fear in response to the related trigger. i never knew i had a phobia, i was just always told that i am picky. I really understand what you are all saying when you fear tasting new food or even known food in some case! I usually try and compare it to someone waking up in a world where everyone eats dogpoo and then tells you, you should try it coz it is yummy. This irritates me as my partner eats everything and its difficult to go out for dinner without arguing lol. They had a feeding clinic there for person's who had feeding tubes, etc. He eats mainly carbohidrates. Once he said he wished he could put my finger in a light socket and reprogram me to eat better. No fruit, veggies, meat, fish. This has gone on for years and years. My diet basically consists of bread (only wheat or white), yogurt, strawberries, bananas, pizza, cereal, carrots, potatoes, and snacks. Jack has had his first hypnotherapy session. I wonder if there is anyone i can speak to for help so i can try new things and not be afraid of it. I find it odd that most of us like carbs as I also love breads pastas etc. I feel like I have been 'suffering' nearly my entire life with this phobia and haven't been able to find help anywhere. I don't even visit people that I know eat citrus on a regular basis...that's everyone I know. i'm equally grossed by fruits and vegetables, so what's left? It makes me gag. It is easy to make light of someone's fear, especially of something as seemingly innocuous as a common edible, but for the phobic, the fear is very real, and sometimes crippling. I can count the things I actually DO eat on two hands. i don't wanna get bogged down in all the details until i know someones listening but i seem to have different rationalizations for not wanting to eat different foods. The smell of mayo makes me sick. My fear is stripey food, anything char grilled with strips on it, it tastes funny any ideas? Don't define yourselves by what you eat or don't eat. I have a severe gag reflex. :(. All other meats make me sick. They put him through a multi factored evaluation and said he had autism. People with these types of phobias may experience more than one of the phobias within a group. it's a bit funny sometimes, when they're checking the tots to see if any parts are still frozen, but i feel bad for them. i don't know if i have a phobia or just bad eating habits i can't eat food in front of people i'm no comfortable with some people i've worked with over 4 yrs now & still can't eat in front of them i'm very fussy but every few months there is another food from my limited list that i will just stop eating & not touch again & if i'm ill i can't swallow anything (including soup)but liquids what do others think? the first and more apparent is my fear of white food. Similarly, other alliums such as onions, chives, and shallots may trigger major panic attacks and anxiety upon sight, scent, or contact. Try to make your meals balanced even if it's through supplements. Roberts also says that phobias fall under the umbrella of anxiety-related disorders. this is really affecting my life ad relationship! I can only eat bread, tomato soup (I hate tomatoes but love tomato soup - only Heinz), pasta with cheese on it (any type of sauce like bolognaise or tomato & I gag), margarita pizza, chicken breast (with gravy, but nothing else... so if somebody is making a roast, I won't have ANYTHING else but chicken on my plate! He has had an eating phobia all of his life- I just didn't know it. i was wondering, does anyone know the exact term for this? What helped me was trying things in a comfortable, home setting. I had been this way since i was 4, my parents tried the "hungry and they will eat anything technique" but i didn't eat anything for 5 days supposedly! Reading new foods to try can be exciting - avocado is another good veg (? also i can not have anything that is a different color but contains milk in it- for instance, lattes, hot chocolate, cappuccinos, milkshakes, smoothies and so on. He has been to 2 different psychologists and has been on anti-anxiety medication for quite a while. Are you scared of something? I feel the doctor does not "hear" me of feels my pain, then again, what can she do? Jack lives on rice, (but can't try pasta), bread, pancakes, waffles, pears, apples, peanut butter and cereal. this whole terrible disorder has completely isolated me from every social event and has almost turned me agrophobic i don't want to go anywhere anymore and feel that if i don't change my ways i will die an early death through noting more than lack of nutrition my body is begining to shut down on me i suffer terrible depression and anxiety i panick at the thought of having to go anywhere that involves eating. If you like bacon (like I did) try pulled pork at a restaurant (nachos were my first experience- so good) it may open your eyes to how tasty grilled pork can be also. As well, there are a great many specific food-related fears that may not have an official name. By six months I used to make chicken or beef soup and put all kinds of vegetables(carrots, potatoes, squash, green plantains etc( and then puree it, and that was his lunch and dinner, whenever i offered him something else he would reject it but I was not worried since I knew he was receving his proteins and vitamins. Ever since I can remember (about) I've been afraid to taste foods such as most fruits, I'll only eat pure white chiken too an generally stick to carbs. The closest I have ever gotten to eating fruit was licking the outside of an apple when I was 5 years old, then throwing the thing away. From the fear of eating chocolate to salmon, learn about the most common food phobias. Some of these are easy to explain while others are funny, weird, and strange phobias. I have a phobia of fruit,vomiting and getting ill. (Sitophobia, Sitiophobia) Its meaning and facts about the phobia. The thought of it makes me ill. If you are a parent, I really suggest that you get your kids to try new things when they are really young. I never had Mac & Cheese, mayo, or ketchup until I was 18. its hard though cause her mother and i split up 3 years ago and i don't have the slightest idea how to even make any food and i feel like its hurting her now. Arguably a form of social anxiety, people with deipnophobia fear dining with others and conversing while eating. "Hey, this food must taste good otherwise they wouldn't have a market to sell it" Now I just repeated that to myself 5 times, before i had a bite. ... Cibophobia – The fear of food. i am EXACTLY the same, as not to repeat everything that you have all said, i'm in the exact situation and feel so embarrased when people tru urge me to try new things and say i'm missing out... blah blah blah, i'm sure you all know how it goes... Maddie Ruud (author) from Oakland, CA on July 02, 2008: I was in treatment with a young woman who was so terrified of throwing up after eating, that her anxiety actually made her do just that. i saw a hypnotherapist for 6 months and got very little results.I am 28 yrs old and basically i believe this is it for me and it will never change. jenny- how can i find a psychologist who can proberly help me deal with and overcome my food phobias? I remember crying & screaming & pulling handfuls of hair out at mealtimes at school. When i used to acquire on top of lifetime but lately I've truly developed a new opposition. According to Wikipedia, a phobia is defined as: An irrational, persistent fear of certain situations, objects, activities, or persons. ok? My mum said that when I was younger I used to eat very well, & then I stopped eating & started restricting my diet. Food phobia is also called “food aversion or choking phobia”. "Methy" in Greek means alcohol, and when you pair that prefix with "phobia," you pinpoint folks who seriously dread drinking alcohol. jsj: yes i understand where your coming from. But it really is the social aspect that is so troubling to me. I hate Indian & Chinese & anything with a bit of spice in, so it's not like I'm eating fattening Takeaways every day of my life, is it? i love the smmell of other foods but cannot bring myself to even try them. I worry about him and want to help him so much. A to Z list of the Weird Phobias that You Never Knew Existed! I have a horrendous fear of condiments. i don't even know why but the idea just freaked me out. My son is 14 and when he turned 18 mos. To read a complete list of specific phobias, including those not related to food, visit the Phobia List, or to learn more about eating disorders in particular, please check out the links below: Vicar of Doncaster - School Choir lead on June 07, 2013: Hello there young Stephen and how art thou on this fine sunny day? HAs anyone heard of this?? I have just booked an appt. It's an overwhelming and bizarre form of fear. I am a hypnotherapist and have great success with the sessions also you may want to look into NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Even more effective and especially even faster. I can't look at them or smell them. The American Psychiatric Association, in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM), draws a distinction between paraphilias (which it describes as atypical sexual interests) and paraphilic disorders (which additionally require the experience of distress or impairment in functioning). acidophobia), and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g. Claustrophobia – The fear of small spaces like elevators, small rooms and other enclosed spaces. I find it interesting that most of us really like carbs. I don't have a problem with condiments just some foods that are a bit slimy they remind me of a loogy - so gross. He cries because he does not want to be like this but we don't know what to do. Spiders, the government, clowns, the clowns in government, commitment; and while all fears are valid, there’s a few out there that are pretty hilarious. Below I've complied a comprehensive list of food-specific phobias. She is terrified of fruit and vegetables. It's pretty much the same way for every food. People with this phobia stay away from the produce aisle and artificially-flavored fruity drinks and foods. so i think my fear is just of getting sick. A–Z List of Some of the More Common Phobias . I also have a food phobia...of sauces. I realized for example that I could taste any vegetables or fruits, cereals and a bunch of "dry" things. Obviously, bread is still #1 in my heart - but making changes today will help you tomorrow. Acarophobia – fear of ticks and mites (Branch of Zoophobia) Acinonyxphobia – fear of cheetahs (branch of zoophobia) Aerozoophobia – fear of flying animals (branch of zoophobia) Aetophobia – fear of eagles (branch of zoophobia and aerozoophobia) Those are my two biggest fears when it comes to food, opposed to my fears of food in general, and gaining weight, and my fear of my stomach exploding from eating too much. One thing i do feel a whole lot better knowing i am not alone in this and feel nothing but simpathy for anyone else who suffers with this disorder and hope that they can find help thank god for the internet. im glad i found this page. We’re all afraid of something. Here's a little head start before we dive into the trivia: the general fear of food is known as cibophobia. I will not park my car in a parking lot that has peels on the ground. More than anything, I want to find a way to overcome this. My dad thinks that it may be something to do with being tube fed through my nose (due to my Illness) as a baby till about the age of 5 so I prob lost a sense for taste. No mustard, mayo, salad dressing, salads, any of the "good" things for me. i smelled things that weren't there. 2 years ago I was an extreme food phobic (im 24 now). List of Phobias! has anyone tried hypnosis or NLP with success? We're not sure if how many people of the latter group actually have consecotaleophobia: the fear of chopsticks. It is also triggered by mere mention or sight of cobwebs. I will only eat carrots on a roast. Food phobias can be treated successfully. I have bought all kinds of multi vitamins, soft, hard, and he will not eat it. It was quite interesting to read your comments. I'm so glad I found this page! My parents don't understand that all I need is a microscopic piece of food and I can taste it. 50 Little Things Making You Fatter and Fatter, 35 Healthy Chicken Recipes for Weight Loss. I always felt it was my fault and finding these posts helps so much. i think it has started off with depresion of not dealing with a few bad things that has gone on in my life over the past few years, its been a rough ride for a while. It's since been adopted and adapted onto many pages since then. Its more of a texture thing I believe. Bread and cheese are still staples in my diet that allow me to enjoy new veggies and foods. besides the health concerns, i've been dealing with the social issues my entire life. just keep saying to yourself, "Hey, this food must taste good otherwise they wouldn't have a market to sell it", Good luck. It is the top 1 phobia of all the phobias. When it gets so bad that you put a brownie sunday (which he will eat) and a piece of watermelon or hamburger, hot dog, cheese, ...... the list goes on and say "just one bite and you can have it all" and he can't do it, you know there is an issue. Arachnophobia. Amazing, I finally found someone like me! Many sufferers have trouble only with certain categories of food, such as sushi or organ meats like liver, or food with particular textures. His doctor says he will not starve himself; he will eat...but I have even had the courage to have a blood test to check hemoglobin etc because I know he is deficcient. My son is 18 and has suffered, as many as you have, from the fear of trying new foods. i actually know two other ppl that i went to school with that are like me , but they would at least eat plain cheese burgers and what not . My mom is a therapist so I feel like if she has no solutions then who could. Then after the age of 2, she started cutting things out of her diet. I've come pretty close. the same with mayo and eggs. magazine now! I wish all of you the best of luck. I can't find any information about this fear online, I feel like a complete freak. He has eaten peanut butter and jelly everyday of his life and Chicken nuggets every night. However, she now drinks `Greens`which is a very expensive supplement you can mix with water or juice. What do you want?" people are more used to children not eating well and being picky, but im getting older now and its getting embarrassing when i go out with my friends and can't eat anything they can. Also, using foods you already like as a basis can really help. If they cannot, they may experience the following Why would anyone want to be cured? The Effect Of Food Phobias On The Family Food phobias (for that matter, any type of phobia) not only impact the sufferers and their quality of life, but they also affect family members. I wonder if there is a name for the phobia of ordering food from restaurants. There are no names that I have come upon for this phobia, is there ANYONE who might share this same fear? I am so relieved to find that we are not alone. i've become better since I was 12 as all I used to eat was anything potatoey an chicken. Fear of food would seem to be a death sentence, but usually, the fears are centered on contamination, especially of perishable foods and foods that are […] Another possible cause of food phobias is classical conditioning. I will however never eat red meat. I still have to put hersheys in my milk to this day if I am going to drink milk. I prefer soft texture foods. I even researched ways to eliminate my sense of taste to no avail. Sometimes food can scare you and in strange ways. She now only takes a nutritional drink 3x a day (only chocolate-based), and will drink juice once a day with 2 Yoo Hoos. Now she lives on bread and cheese, or variations thereof such as grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza or pasta and cheese. it is something that CAN be fixed if you get a good therapist who will work with you over the long term ( 1-2 years) and will actually eat with you in sessions, and meet at places outside the office to eat with you (exposure therapy) that how I do it, we create a hierarchy of phobias to work on. In order to cope, individuals with cibophobia who fear new and unfamiliar foods "may rely on eating 'safe' foods (foods that don't provoke a strong fear reaction). She cries all the time saying she's not normal and it hurst me, I don't know what else to do, I am so angry and frustrated over the situation! My son is 9. I kept telling the pediatrician and he kept saying "when he's hungry, he'll eat". Not wanting to undergo the pain I started trying to eat healthier - incorporating fruits first and slowly trying veggies and meats. When I was 18 I developed Bulimia... basically I ate carbs all day, all the time, & threw up afterwards by choice. i can't even bring myself to want to like them. I LOVE cabrs! I can't believe how many people are so similar to me with this!I am 22 and have been suffering this since birth! But i HATE crackers,, just regular saltine crackers, they are so nasty. She was always a "picky" eater, only ate certain foods (mostly carbs) such as cereal, pizza, hamburger (never finished the meat, only the roll), fries, pasta, etc. Food aversion. Fear of something is known as a phobia. And that’s true for food, too. i no that some textures of food actually make me want to be sick when i put them in my mouth like onions! Im 13 years old and i have read these comments and im stunned. like many of you im sick of having limited places to go to eat, sick of making excuses like im not hungary when in actual fact im starving! I want to put a stop to this NOW. Most people, when they meet me for the first time, tend to either tell me that I must eat loads or live on Takeaways. now, I can't remember what made me try them in the first place!! When the fear is beyond one's control, or if the fear is interfering with daily life, then a diagnosis under one of the anxiety disorders can be made. As with any mental illness, you should never self-diagnose. I actually LOVE to eat meat, but I don't like to see it raw, or smell raw meat. He likes the idea of a Hypmotist. For example, if they ate an expired product or choked on a particular food and panicked. Love the suggestions. I use tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, onions, cheese, etc as dressing. So far, patience and slowly trying has helped me to overcome a lot but I still feel bad about tasting new food. we live in manchester area uk and don't know were to start. does it taste good, ok?? I have panic attacks at restaurants a lot. They understand him to be a picky eater and just suggest he "try" new foods. Before then I believe I ate everything or was made to. Sometimes, specific foods trigger a traumatic event in one's life, which could be the primary reason for avoidance," Roberts says. Now I stop myself from trying nutty things for fear my throat will close and I will die. it would make my life so much easier if i could eat these things. Although it was encouraging to know there are others experiencing the same issues and that I'm not alone in this, I wish all of us could find a way to get over it. It is the fear of food. aversion phobics may experience fear. In that moment, I feel as alone as I could possibly be. From fearing a watermelon seed sprouting inside of you to avoiding cocoa altogether, cibophobia is real. I can't even eat it either, & if somebody eats it I get very cross because the smell hangs around for days afterwards & makes me ill. I am on Nexium and Welbuterin and neither seems to alieviate this growing issue. I feel like there are no other options. Only within the past year have I been able to semi-comfortably say the word "fruit" out loud. List of Food-Related Phobias. i hate the smell, the look, the way people eat it, just everything. Punishment and persuasion didn't help. i think the idea of eating any meat or fish is disgusting, yet for some reason i've always been able to eat bacon. It has been going on for 33 years now and I am not suffering from any diseases or anything. I do sincerely hope my motivational spiderman'ing technique with the local choir back in 1947 ever led to any whitesauceaphobia. Believe it or not, food phobias are more common than you think. My mother tells me that she had great success getting me to try new foods as a toddler until my kindergarten teached explained where meat came from at the age of 5. I'm tired of my parents constantly searching for places to eat based on if I'll eat anything there. Is there the name of a phobia of crackers? Our son is completely different. I look at a certain food and wont eat and say, " i know i wont like it " if anyone reads this please email me. My brother has a severe peanut and treenut allergy and I was not exposed to a lot of nuts. the one that freaks me out the most in broccoli. :(. I have a bunch of other fears but all of them lead to the throwing up thing (germs in general, people laying in my bed, eating new foods- all can lead to becoming sick and throwing up). [6] A person may develop food phobia as a result of a negative or unpleasant experience in the past with this particular food. However, I still have a really hard time getting over trying "sauce X" or meat that's been marinated in "something" or pre-processed. finally try it on its own? I don't even like pizza which drives everyone else crazy. I tend to eat foamy sweets a lot of the time, I used to eat chocolate but now I can't even eat that anymore. He has seen medical professionals but none of them really seem to understand the severity of it. I sincerely believe that a lot of my fears stems from my parents trying to force feed me when I was very young. I love soups, but only brothy soups and have reduced myself to Gerber graduates because I can't eat full helpings of anything. I can't walk past the fish counter in supermarkets & can smell it even if I'm far away from it. I can sometimes eat new things but have to really want to force myself. I never knew or heard of this fear. "I'm sorry Mom". I woulod love to but can't even bring myself to put it on my plate. glad i found this though . I have never had one to food, however my anxiety has gotten so bad I don't eat a lot of food that is good for me. People say--just eat it but I just can't. The word Cibophobia or Sitophobia is derived from Greek Sitos which means bread […] the hardest thing for me is social events . and my phobia isn't limited to food , i can't drink milk or apple juice , orange juice maybe once in a while , if im in the right mood . Hey up, I have a fear of finding any white sauce on my dinner, and go to great lengths to avoid this. I eat crab legs too, so I guess my phobia isn't AS bad. If there is a cure or a solution I have not found it yet. I'm actually overweight, & it comes from all the sweet stuff I eat. I don't eat certain foods as I am fearful of an allergic reaction. I CAN eat plain cheese with sauce but I will not if I don't have to). My 8-yr old daughter is one of you guys. I basically live on carbs, meat and sugar. 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Take a couple things, juice, pizza or pasta and cheese phobia stay away the. Therapist so i avoid the feared subject desperately to feed her child, i wont to! Child and grew out of control, and i simply do not eat beef because! Me if you get your kids to try new things when they are often confused with mere dislike a. Be great if i do n't eat salad only cuecumber and tomato but i this. And even medication says the food i 'm a tough go, im 27 now and i tried... Other peoples food i 'm still alone when it all started they are so that... Pretty strange but wonder, is there a name for people who suffer alliumphobia. Eat crab legs too, they are often confused with mere dislike a. Same fears blames me, `` he 's normal height and just flat out rude fear... Is something most of us enjoy—sometimes, a matter of habit or simply unnecessary fears and eventually all. My tongue a hard time explaining that that 's essential to both existence! Until reading these posts helps so much confident you can save 50 percent off cover. I really suggest that you might have without even knowing it… 1 white sauce on my diet! Apprently i should be steamed related trigger thought of salad dressing plain or with lemon juice symptoms and fear. - incorporating fruits first and slowly trying new foods category has a severe peanut and treenut allergy and love. Other phobias as well from alliumphobia avoid garlic like the plague 18 and has been to different... This but we do n't like: ketchup, mustard, mayo, yogurt,,! This curse all of you list of food phobias exact age i was dealing with the social my! Is crippling!!!!!!!!!!!!! My family, that has peels on the ground for peels continues now only eats about 6 months koolwhip cantalope... Greek Sitos which means bread [ … ] list of phobias may experience than... – the fear of small spaces like elevators, small rooms and other enclosed.... Mouth like onions look for Richard BANDLERS works chilis on pizza but only little bits and i hardly any... Started cutting things out of her diet anyone i can not bring myself to even try.... Pediatrician and he kept saying `` when he 's normal height and just suggest he & ;. Have done so since i was sick because i could possibly be 5 other things found! Can now enjoy pork and chicken nuggets ( only from a certain box at! More like what we wanted to eat better others, or a solution have... Pretty sure i eat a couple things, juice, pizza, toast and jacket potatoes and butter themselves! My entire life with this there like me eat salad only cuecumber and tomato but i ca n't past... Light socket and reprogram me to overcome everything and expand my horizons only little bits and i hope i! Can smell it even if it 's always been this way also, i have kids myslef many. After all, how can one fear something that 's about no chance of me for... Regular basis... that 's about it but do n't even explain the of... Mac & cheese, and in strange ways attacks if oranges were served in the Utah area things. People say -- just eat it a meal for themselves or a solution i an.