HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React. [laughs] Yeah, imagine everyone listening would tune out… No one wants to listen to that. height) and there's no other UI changes. the concept of overlays we discussed earlier. Yeah. I’m curious about the accessibility of D3, because accessibility is really hard for charts. : Tooltip just returns `null` if pt is `undefined`, "Efficient Search in Rails with Postgres", "Best Practices for Optimizing Postgres Query Performance", special elements to combine and manipulate these, like, other odds and ends, like the familiar anchor (. I wanna know all the details about this overview chart on the State of JS Survey… So could you walk me through your process of how you built this? You have to know what you're doing, and it takes a long time to learn. Its immediate D3 really helps with those really low-level “I’m gonna make the whole chart myself, but I could use a little bit of help… But I’m not gonna rely on a charting library to do it all for me.” So it’s harder to learn, but it’s way more powerful once you get the hang of it. Spoiler: it depends. So when we talk about D3’s low-levelness, or the layer of abstraction, what we’re talking about is the way you interface with that is at a more granular/lower level than you would another charting library… So if you’ve used a high-level charting library, you may say “library.linechart” and you’ll pass it a series of data, right? writing your own hook like this) and it delays rendering until the specified via element attributes, and that may be preferable if you "paints" the DOM updates. So my email is, which I stole from my family. (Depending on how you design your component, you may Or is it specific to a few? SVGElement or just Element instead of HTMLElement. dispatch events on user interaction. Registering event Stories About My Journey to Become a Programmer. 2020/05/04. can easily do so in the parent. These two technologies are notoriously tricky to combine. If you're using TypeScript, note that That’s my train of thought. Build beautiful data visualizations with D3. [laughs] So Amelia has published a book called Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization, which is going to be linked in the show notes… And I would love to talk about the fact that you wrote a book because I think that is pretty freakin’ cool. This can get tricky if you need your write a standard component and return an SVG tag instead of an HTML SVG + React Hooks + d3-interpolate + requestAnimationFrame Intro. of your app. paradigm means it can perform much better with huge datasets, but that Amelia Wattenberger is a frontend developer and designer focused on data visualization. [00:03:58.10] Yeah, so D3 stands for Data-Driven Documents, and it’s a JavaScript that is from the jQuery era; I think it’s maybe ten years old at this point, so it’s been around for a really long time. big difference. size itself to fit the items contained therein. styling), maybe it's not the right fit. Thanks for suggesting this guest. translate still X, the UI does not react (other than the mouse pointer itself Fortunately, there are two approaches we can take to And the other reason I think it’s so hard is the whole reason I think data visualization is so hard - because it’s where a bunch of different fields meet. by Robin Wieruch ... Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization: Build beautiful data visualizations with D3. A Fullstack Node is coming out, they have Fullstack React, Fullstack Vue, and I think…. Or it doesn’t highlight one interesting part of the dataset. element, so it needs to be sized explicitly (like any other element). I’m gonna use D3…” There’s just a lot to learn to do with making a chart in the first place. Temperature is 70 degrees, and the day is June 1st”, and then the person could tab through each one of those. Okay, here’s another snippet of code” where some things are overlapping, but you don’t really know where in your previous code example that new code would fit in… So I just like trying to take advantage of the technology that we have, and trying to think through like “Oh hey, if we do this, would this make it easier to learn?”, Yeah, I think that’s really great. We relied heavily on SVG to build the charting updates we launched If you adjust tip putting SVG elements inside an tag (just as you should ensure Almost everything else is plain React … Read more Learn how to load data from file or remote server in D3.js. Algolia’s full suite search APIs enable teams to develop unique search and discovery experiences across all platforms and devices. Buy Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization: Build beautiful data visualizations with D3 by Wattenberger, Amelia, Murray, Nate online on at best prices. I’m curious, when we talk about data visualization, what are the different types of – I see the overview chart you did for the State of JS Survey was obviously a really complex line chart, but what other type of data viz are there, and how do you know which one to pick? background-color (and instead of color for text, somewhat foreignObject The elements on the page are just two divs using Flexbox, with code snippets in them, and another div underneath with the answer. dominant-baseline At first blush, this seems like it would make any non-trivial SVG I had this in my head, I was like “I’m gonna nail it”, and then I did not nail it. Should this dimension be mapped to color, or to a horizontal position, or [unintelligible 00:46:04.04] the size of the bubble… And then I’ll go through a few iterations that way. (or at least into a cryptic forest of obscure tags and esoteric We have the data. Like HTML, SVG consists of a DOM tree of elements element as well. Creating a Gauge in React. It’s kind of my thing I’ve been working with this year. If you guys haven’t checked out the overview chart on the State of JS Survey, I highly recommend it. positioning based on the position along the x axis, you have almost below, but think of it like this: Note that the static data rendering only needs to happen once per new The State of JS 2019 survey left many in awe of the beautifully rendered line graph created by Amelia Wattenberger. Use the d3 force. Go ahead and chart that. Archived. Yeah, so this is all built in React, and I’m the worst about linking things, but the code is actually all on GitHub, if anyone’s curious and wants to check it out. This will If set to "none", the coordinate system (and content) will return . Amelia Wattenberger, Svelte, D3 and other fun stuff! The JavaScript ecosystem has a very strong cycle of life, where tools rise and then they fall, and they were great, but you know, we’re always moving forward… So I think there are a lot of tools that would be going that direction, but they’re just not in the survey. preserveAspectRatio Yeah, I would say - as somebody who’s known about D3, and I think I’ve used it before, long enough ago… Like you said, it’s been around forever; I think 2011 in the chat room is what they’re saying, so the jQuery era for sure…. It would have taken me 12 years to build this. features and some conventions to help us build complex modular To use this, just wrap it in an D3.js is the defacto library that people use to create custom data visualizations on the web today. Noté /5. data points (the threshold will vary based on your UX needs and your Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization: Build beautiful data visualizations with D3: Wattenberger, Amelia, Murray, Nate: Books And those charts - I’m thrilled to be learning about D3 today. they're positioned at the origin, so they only have to worry about If This week we had the pleasure to be joined by Amelia Wattenberger.Amelia is a journalist-engineer working at The Pudding where she builds stuff using, among other things, Svelte! D3 and React is like my favorite workflow for personal projects. With the help of Newline, Amelia wrote the book of over 600 pages, Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization. Yeah, shout-out to Sacha. But it must be understood by people. if you missed it), and we would like to share how we work with SVG in Play Episode. Oh, totally. According to the official documentation:. XML-based vector graphics format. Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization: Build beautiful data visualizations with D3 (English Edition) eBook: Wattenberger, Amelia, Murray, Nate: Kindle Store data point X. there's a good chance you're right, but you should consider your case, fixed will function just like the default static). Having more control over these size will be relative to this viewBox coordinate system (that is, the Yeah, I just found out about react-spring. The first is that the coordinate system discussed above is a and positioning metadata in constants at the top of the component: This may look tedious and verbose at first, but having the layout But it needs to be understood by humans. People don’t understand that there are mathematical equations behind these – not equations; I mean, they’re not calculus, it’s simple addition… But people don’t understand that different selectors, the way that you select these elements from the DOM actually assigns a point value to them… And this can be quite confusing. They are isolated in their own Axis Yeah, so usually my first step is to grab the dataset, and I’ll have either typing or writing on a sketchpad, I’ll put the main goal… Like “What do we wanna accomplish for this chart?” And then I’ll detail every single piece of data that we have within the dataset. none will ensure these are not photobombing your pointer events. But he works on this chart library, and I think it’s a React chart library. Build beautiful data visualizations with D3 The Fullstack D3 book is the complete guide to D3. It’s been around so long that I think I’ve used it and since forgotten even how to use it… But it has this reputation of being hard, and I’m just curious why you think that is. Find books But let's revisit Resolve errors in minutes. consider. Well said. It turns out that there is a fair bit of overlap in functionality between a React and D3 – we’ll discuss how we can create blazing fast charts using the two together. Yeah, for sure. JavaScript. There's no component a nightmare to put together, but we can use some SVG We talk about Svelte, D3, React and loads of fun stuff. They have a lot of fun data viz essays. In this article, we'll give a brief overview of SVG, when to use it This is peak web.” But browsers are so capable…, The things that they can do these days are amazing. and Fortunately, SVG has a great way to avoid unnecessary renders: you But that’s something that’s very rarely done, and it’s even more rarely done well. I’m sure this site won’t age well and will be a huge pain in the butt to maintain, but it’s fun right now… [laughs] Future me will hate it, but I don’t know… I like using things like scroll events; like if you’re a certain amount down the page, then do something in like a static side panel…, Another one of these posts has a long code example. built-in positioning mechanism at all, and the order of the tags There’s all these three.js, WebGL examples in the browser, that I remember blowing my mind 5-10 years ago…, …so every time I explain something on my blog, I like to think through “What are ways that this might more closely match a reader’s mental model?” or ways that it might stick with them better, and what new tech is there, what can we use/abuse? So I iterated a few times that way, and went back and forth with Sacha… And he came up with some really good points. Charting libraries at higher levels are easier to pick up, but less powerful… How do you help folks make the decision of like “Where do I fit in? With the help of Newline, Amelia wrote the book of over 600 pages, Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization. component to be responsive, but we'll hand-wave around it for now; we So along the left-hand side of this web page, which is in the show notes, you will see an actual animated waterfall, that I assume was drawn and somehow created… And it’s the navigation for the web page; so it starts with importance, and then it kind of goes over [unintelligible 00:23:37.26] works its way down. That’s super-cool. stretch to fit the dimensions of the actual component. There I’m not sure about the details on that; maybe Sacha can help us sort those out, but I think there might have been potentially reasons why that’s the case that it may not represent public opinion. changes. Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization: Build beautiful data visualizations with D3 eBook: Wattenberger, Amelia, Murray, Nate: Kindle Store children draw outside these bounds (though the result may be harder to 前端技术日志 | D3.js 简介 时间:2020-08-19 18:51:12 来源: 作者:赵不寒 所属栏目: HTML5 本期刊专注于 Web 前端前沿技术,收集的内容来自于国外各大前端技术周刊,这里把自己感兴趣的,并值得分享的 … simple interface and are rarely updated once a chart is mounted, we So I went through a very typical route for learning D3, where I think most people who use it are primarily developers, and at work they have to make some kind of dashboard page, or they have to make a chart… And then if you google “JavaScript chart”, you’re probably gonna come across D3 pretty quickly… And this might have been seven years ago - so seven years ago when you googled “D3 chart” or “D3 line graph”, you’d come across tons of examples of D3 code online that go through, start to finish, “This is all the code involved in making a line chart.” So I did what pretty much everyone does, which is you copy that code, you put it in your application, and then you change the numbers until things work… [laughs]. Draw the canvas. CSS. layers. It’s a physics-based animation library and it makes transitioning so much easier, so I’d recommend that if you are having trouble doing those complex animations. It's worth the extra verbosity to avoid So it has that one code example on the right, and as you scroll, it updates the code with the updated code… Because it can be really hard when you’re reading a blog post to have these separated code snippets of like “Here’s your code. placement relative to that point is configurable via attributes like Thanks as well to Amelia Wattenberger for helping us update her original “Changes Over Time” chart from last year. not need to just be the visible tooltip: a div is transparent out of Also, when I say “learn D3”, I don’t see it as this huge, overwhelming process. I'd be curious about other future opportunities for d3 to sync up more with react. It also supports an x and y offset for the coordinate system (relative Do I go for D3 and just dive in, and I can be a craftsperson, and just get underneath there? That said, For text, it's a reference point, and the text's The data join thing is interesting. property. Here's my opinionated guide to living with both, in harmony. Learn how to quickly turn data into insights with D3. cross-referenced across child components, will make your life much But it must be understood by people. Use the d3 force. may be the simplest way to go. I started last December. And I had to do some custom stuff for label placement, because if you look at the chart, like the bottom middle, there’s a lot of tools–. set of data—if you have a lot of data points, this can make a Parents determine each child's desired width It’s extremely accessible for anyone new to D3 and it’s structured in such an easy to follow manner that I’ve not felt overwhelmed by the content. Very cool. suited to building UIs. This article was great… Not just because I love specificity and I think it’s great and everyone should fully understand it, but because I just think it’s the most beautifully chaotic website I’ve ever seen… And I don’t mean that in a bad way. - and as you hover your mouse over them, it focuses on that type of tool, or that subsection, and they animate it and draw in the arrows as they draw across… And one thing that you notice about the front-end frameworks in general - except for Svelte, that just has a singular point - is they’re all generally getting more popular, but then moving a little bit to the left, or a lot, in a certain cases…, [00:44:19.15] Like they all do this year…, So the more popular they get, the more negative the opinions get about them… And I think that’s just the way – you know, it’s like the old Batman… It was not in Batman Returns, but “Either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain…” That’s just what’s happening - the more popular you get, the more people are like “Meh, I’m over you, React…”, [laughs] Yeah… I think maybe JavaScript developers are strong on using and abusing their tools…. reason about). This lets us establish a new origin local to the group, offset We have the data. Here is our Mouse component which tracks which data point we're What are these different concepts?” and kind of formalize them, make sure what I have in my head matches what the actual code is. modules. SVG (and HTML) have a retained Wait, this is really cool… I just went to their website and they have an article called Population Mountains, how to perceive the populations of cities… And the parallax on this site - I’m gonna post this in our chat, as well as in the show notes… This is the coolest thing. You can make a tree map – there’s one function to create an access, which is probably the one I miss the most when I’m not using it, because it’ll make a little line, it’ll draw each tick mark and the value, and it’ll position it correctly… So I don’t use that, I just either make an access component that creates each of those elements by hand, or just do it in-line… Like, in React you’re saying “Map over this array of elements/array of values that I’ve created, and then try each tick mark by itself.”, It both doesn’t really work well with React, where you kind of have to know which parts of the API you’re gonna be able to use. how will you ever debug it?". around these issues (and has no other layout impact, since in this You can think of it like an HTML document where all Learn the way to rapidly flip data into insights with D3. return . From the start, the main person who works on the survey - his name is Sacha Greif; he’s an awesome designer, and he always works with someone named Raphaël… I’m totally blanking on his last name, but he has this chart library called… It has a name. Posts like this [0] show that d3 can "just generate the path" and then at that point you can use different renderers like React e.g. This the holy grail of D3. Most relevant for us is the transform attribute, specifically its Build beautiful data visualizations with D3. whenever it seems like a good fit. approach, so we decided to remove them and reimplement their Posted by 1 year ago. functionality in our own components. left. Yeah, and we will link all of these down in the show notes. Many of these are still x and y values. So that’s powerful, but difficult to pick up. So if you click the left one or the right one, question A or B, it will store that in the state, and then once that piece of state has a value, then it’ll show the answer and tell you if you’re right or wrong. When I visualize data on the web, my current favorite environment is using D3.js inside of a React.js application. Usually, we position elements on our web pages in static, explicit places. If you're I’ve seen examples where you can tab into a chart and it’ll say “Chart width - 10 data points.” And then you can either skip that if you don’t want anything to do with it, or you can tab into it and go through each data point… And there’s ways to put – with SVG there’s a title element and a description element; I think those are the two. Rollbar – We move fast and fix things because of Rollbar. The full syntax is. handlers is the same—svg elements expose onEvent attributes and you Fullstack Rust Fullstack Node.js Fullstack D3 Fullstack React Fullstack React with TypeScript more ... Amelia Wattenberger Author of Fullstack D3 "Writing Fullstack D3 was a thoroughly enjoyable, fun process. updating all the different occurrences (while making sure you avoid [laughs] The motivation for that post is largely that this is something that I get confused in my head all the time… So if anyone has felt like they’re fighting with CSS, like “I have a class and I want this text to be blue, but there’s apparently some other class somewhere in this massive application that makes the text red”, and then you just put the element type in front of the class, you do div.class in the CSS and then you’re like “Okay, I win this time”, and then you go back and ten weeks later you’re fighting with ex-you, or the old you…, Current you is always the most important, so you’re just bang important yourself, you know…, Yeah, yeah… And you know you’ve done something wrong, so you feel bad about it, but you do it anyway…, Right, you did it anyway, because you’re trying to get this thing to stinkin’ work…. [laughter] A really long blog… A book-length blog, called a book. It’s a really awesome dataset”, and I loved their design in the first place, so it was also really fun to work with them. components that work well together. For this one, it was each item on the right is a user, or one respondent, and then you have for each tool, we had a string of the different responses, what are the different responses that are possible…. I would never write that book again… [laughter], Oh God, no… I don’t know if I could do that. Many styles can also be You can just put text underneath it… But if you draw a chart with SVG, there’s actually ways - and it’s also really hard to find any resources on this, but if we’re talking about screen readers, then you can tab through it in the same way that you could tab through, say, a list. The way D3 works is it has a lot of different modules, and some of those modules – it’s kind of like the jQuery parts; they’ll help you draw to the DOM, and those modules, you could either draw with SVG or Canvas. [laughs] Which I’m really excited about, because they do really fun, interactive data viz-driven essays on the web. If you want to learn how to build your own amazing data visualizations there's no better way than her D3 video course. So we decided to go with one, and we wanted to focus on “What’s an easy way to get an overview of the JavaScript ecosystem?” As a JavaScript developer, it’d be really nice to have kind of a bird’s eye view of how things are going, what are the different tools and who uses them. corner. So if you have a lot of time, if you’re interested in learning it, if you’re working on a dashboard or something where performance is really important and there are gonna be a lot of visualization components of it, then I think it’s definitely worth learning D3. value). that simplifies this: the group (). svg element. Hacking around your JS framework is a recipe for future frustration, especially if the framework's API changes. In my last article, React & D3: Preparing The Data With D3.Nest, I discussed how the data for the chart was organized and… for different types of elements. If I wanna visualize some data, I’ll just work through it and I’ll create a React component, and work through it that way. What did I do second? For circle and ellipse, it's the center (in fact, circles So that was really nice…. This makes it hard to size things like tooltips: you may not know how Finding a good tutorial/course to learn D3.js can be difficult given 100s of options on Google. Yeah, so like what kinds of things can D3 do? ratio of your viewBox width and height does not match the actual ), A big difference between HTML and SVG is layout: In HTML, the normal So you can have kind of a scatterplot of each tool on that chart. can add your callback there. soon as they show up. Amelia is interactive. it's perfect for someone like me who wants to improve their d3/data visualization skills while also understanding fullstack … changes. Finland, Helsinki. If as it's not competing with React. the y position.). expect in an HTML component, but as you can see, it's otherwise It makes sense that a new tool would start in the bottom middle, where people aren’t very opinionated and not a lot of people have used them… And it’s kind of cool, because you see this group movement of tools coming through the lower-right quadrant, up into the top-right quadrant, where more people – it seems like people like a tool first, and then everyone starts to use it, which is kind of interesting. It will allow you to This week we had the pleasure to be joined by Amelia Wattenberger; we talk about Svelte, D3, React and loads of fun stuff. easy to keep them in sync. 163 | svelte.js for web-based dataviz with Amelia Wattenberger. If I wanna visualize some data, I’ll just work through it and I’ll create a React component, and work through it that way. Top 15 Web Development Blogs in 2020. discussed in action, applied to real world use cases, you can check And I had to iterate on that, just so the lines weren’t all over each other. Well, welcome [unintelligible 00:01:47.08] first of all, that you’re here today. Guest Expert: Amelia Wattenberger. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation. This is reasonable if you have Her work is nothing short of brilliant and she’s knocked it out of the park with Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization. Aside Achetez neuf ou d'occasion you're not putting block-level elements in a ). and ellipses use cx and cy attributes instead of x and y to One thing that Amelia did that’s really cool here is she’ll put two rules next to each other, and then you have to guess which rule would actually win… And then “Show me the answer.” Amelia, you may not know this, but Emma just created a JS Jeopardy episode last episode, in which she had crazy questions, and stuff… I see a mash-up coming, like “CSS Selector Jeopardy”, where you basically give two rules….
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